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quality of life

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  1. best thing ive seen at the natividad park
  2. bump oath and hova♦♣♠•◘○☺☻♥♥♥♥♥pear
  3. fuck bro seriously your retarded how is dat traced!!thats real skill right there !!
  4. i heard nez 4 quit i was walking my dog in da night and didnt see nothing on da wall and then in da morning i was going to the park and diizz was there!!!
  5. every body just shuta fuck up already nobody gives a fuck wut u guys are beefing about ..where the pics at???
  6. well now it must suck to finally know that your not as great as you thaugh !!!!! respect is lost just as easally as its gained !! even l looked up to you and your talent now your just a hater putting people down to bring yourself up !!!!! my space and 12oz made you salinas famous but people are getting bord of you now !!! the king of mean is falling down !!!!!!!;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  7. fucken andrew ur such a hater!!!i respect some of ur art but ur not all that instead of most hated it should be MOST HATERS
  8. mean u are a hater and all this shit is the same bull shit!!you cant tell other peole to not talk shit when u talk just as much if not more
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