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Everything posted by omglolbrbwtf

  1. alright dude. so like your how old. like 30. yeah im fat or what ever but i think i think i have seen fatter people than me IE your gf. you wont catch me walking around winston cause your the only one walking around winston witha pocket full of sharpies and glitterpens. there is alot of trains in winston, do you have any idea where they are? does kinkos have google earth. i dont think you should say anything about my sister, but riding to greensboro she did laugh when she saw that incline. learn how to breath. umm get a fucking life, you are 10 years older than me and you got some kids to raise. your to old to be a toy, you havent sketched anything since 10th gfrade art. and you got a c- on your report card. please find me and take my paint, so you will have some colors that match, but seriously i really love dragon tattoos and your chinese letters, keep climbing billboards and doing tags. keep making yourself a huge joke. where do you get your names from text messages. i dont think your plan covers that. or does your grilfreinds dad help you out with that bill too. more people laugh at your shit than mine, and my shit is trying to be funny. on the real dont post my fucking last name on here MR.Williams. i know your middle name too. stop drinking 40 oz smirnoff and driving or im going to tell your parole officer. i bought bear mace just for your ass. i hope you gott some money in your wallet when i find you!
  2. YOU'RE A JOKE SON ENOUGH SAID. you dont even out line your fills. You change names more than you fat girl changes tampons. Reply when the library opens with your broke ass. Please, your 27 and just started writing 2 months ago. You learn your color combos from your kids preschool class? You shit is a joke. Just stop, the buff looks better than what you do. Keep on writing with your cholo boys "cuz you like your style." Keep dising good writers, keep dising history, keep making everyone laugh when you take everything seriously. You dissed relax and you talk about history. Your so bad you had to invent a person to write. Keep trying, keep lying, keep frontin.
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