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Posts posted by skatintwentyfos

  1. how gay is that??? ^^^^^^^^


    Very gay. Its been poppin up on the front page of myspace latley.



    My next post will be flicks. Until then im gonna work on my HALLOWEEN COSTUME!!! If my mom lets me be it though :( . Spraypaintin a Playstation 2 GOLD and makin a chain out of that shit!!!

  2. just write a different name for your legal wall ish' than what you would write for illegals if your scared about people seeing you do it. That way the onlookers will think thats what you write. Hell, if their annoying you can still tell them to scram. Thats just my idea and input. Your boys will still give you props for your legal stuff when they see it, and just as equal when they see your streetspots/trains/whatever. It could work out like that I suppose. :o


    now as far as the shit being gone over quicky...I fear every kid from the burbs with no talent and equally the same amount of respect for the writer they are going over (without even buffing first) is going to be down there wreaking havoc becaue it will be known as a safe place (cameras and shit).


    anyway thats my input.


    Lions 2-0.

    what what?!

    shit, were usually in DEBT when we start out the season hahaha.

  3. I have about 200 pictures from today, I'll post more up later. Thanks to everyone who could show up.... keo, skar, goth, otis, pak, gray, feis, jes, nes, caso, amo, Gotta do it again sometime!



    I will be checking back frequently

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