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Everything posted by dixiebeer

  1. wow this thread has deteriorated pretty hard.
  2. Fuck that shit, leave that to the old-timey kids. I'm a working stiff these days an use work clothes for their intended purpose.
  3. Oogle hunting season opener was on the 9th of October. They're filtering in faster than ever, flying on top of eachother on every corner, panhandling in the ghetto, beating eachother up on decatur.... its about that time where I cant even walk in the quarter without being harassed by the police because i wear carhartts. oh the joy.
  4. oh yeah, its oogle hunting season in new orleans, opening day was october 9th
  5. We will be at tfest Saturday only, time is tight this year. Lunch and guth are gonna miss stuuups. happy bday in a few days too, muchacho. -m
  6. t-fest 13-15th, oops you and stupid better make it!
  7. I ask myself the same question about New Orleans. It's like living in a smelter.
  8. Doesn't answer my question. I go to see the family, not because I think its an authentic fucking event. Never seen you there, second-hand information isn't always what it cracks up to be. As for Britt last year, I knew it was going to be a bad year when I had got there and there were 'jungle cops' before the event even started. Some fuckhead pulled a knife and was ran off, people being dumb, drunk, etc etc. As for me and mine, we always kept our dogs tied up and ALWAYS clean up after them; its part of the responsibility of having a dog. I felt like people were there just to fuck up the event, and when majority rules, majority rules. There was no getting through to anyone that was being a fuckhead last year. I'm not surprised that Mr. Nelson made some serious decisions. The (actual) police have never been bad since I started going, the most they've done was tell people to put beers in cups and stand around for about 10 minutes. People weren't getting harassed even though we would have like six 30 packs in coolers and bags of beer cans 5 feet tall. (edit) People left the sinners camp trashed all the time too, me and a few others were always up at like 6am cleaning up shit, that really got on my nerves. Every time something was said about it, it just fell on deaf ears. It was all just a matter of time I suppose.
  9. What are the dates on tramp fest this year? Need to make plans. Want to stop in britt this year for a day and see how bad it is. Same gripe as everyone else, if our dogs arent welcome then neither are we. It was a fun 4 years of going, I always enjoyed myself. Unfortunate its gonna be shitty for a few years.
  10. Re: New Group for Trainmaps and Databases of Stations inlcludes Crew Change I got all that downloaded for future reference. thanks for the link.
  11. Boone is alright. I never had any problems there myself. Got off my train from Cheyenne around 11am and didn't see anyone in the yard, granted my main focus was to get out before anyone saw me. For being a small town and walking about with all my gear, I never talked to the police once. There was some sort of street sale on main street when I came and I was able to get some nice little knick-knacks and a few new tapes when I was there. Boone Hobby is pretty rad too, although the guy isn't very talkative. Ended up thumbing outta there to Des Moines and catching north from there.
  12. Nice. Bout time there is a Jesse thread
  13. Newkon bringing all sorts of flavor to this thread.
  14. Phew, last time I was in Granger, I went into the hole for like and hour and 15 minutes at high noon, with a BLACK cloud of mosquitos above my car... Too hot to be in my bedroll, and I had no bug spray or anything else, it was hell. I was so tempted to get off, but as stated, I was in the middle of fuckin' NO!!where. Say, to bring a little more to what Kabar said, make sure your water never freezes if you're winter riding. I've made sleeves for water jugs and put like 4 (at least) of them 'hot hands' packs in them or even put a hot hands into a freezer lock bag and put it in the jug before to keep water from freezing. If you have a camp stove it would be a definite plus as well (I'm sure Stretch rides with one, that man has everything). Rolling without water is hell. Plus, the bitter cold will dehydrate you just as much as the heat will (sweat). Hey Kabar, I saw a couple of your tags on the boxcar at Britt this year. From a couple years back obviously. (Love this thread, one of the best on here)
  15. That is a different dog man. Also, as for your first ride, I'd find someone you can trust that knows what they're doing to go with you. It's not the best idea to go on your first ride alone. As for riding west outta Ohio, you're probably going to have to get a train to Chicago and then ride out from there, either via the high line (BNSF) to Portland/Seattle, or the UP running either to Portland, Sacto or LA outta Cheyenne, WY. Long rides, have lots of water and food. Kabar may be able to shed a little more light on this as well. The above is just what I'd do.
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