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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. i like milk with popcorn. doesn't it do a good job rinsing out the grease and butter and small particles left in between your teeth?
  2. can you send it to me digitally through the internet? i don't really wanna pay for shipping
  3. i was only joking? but i'm mentally challenged so can i get a handicap??
  4. so what, you think you're better than the whole world now????? /yes jokester
  5. why would you shave your balls for the answer a question with another question superthread?
  6. caps lock was not meant to be on.. i wasn't looking LOLOLOLOLOLOOL OMFG is this a question? didn't i just ask a question? orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?orly?
  7. i'ma ctually typing with me eyes close right now. where's the ? lkey? did i press the right one?
  8. could i have possibly known in any way shape or form remembering that i have never met you before? oh, well your location does say oakland.....
  9. cause we all have the attention span of goldfish, but according to never[TUA] i am wrong. what?
  10. man, i never get to sleepin'. i usually fall asleep around 5 am and it only lasts for like 2 hours. right?
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