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Posts posted by Quaranta-Due

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear Sierra Nevadas,

    Driving through fog during sunrise this morning was an experience.

    You are breath taking, thank you. We appreciated every moment.


    Dear you,


    And by "we", you mean yourself, and two pugs.


    Pugs don't appreciate beauty, they are beauty.



  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo




    I hate to be your doctor and shit. But isn't your kidney or liver trying to die.


    No hard liquor for you, or you're out of the crew.


    Just kidding. I got you some Henny, hit me up.



  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    Dear avocado:


    Are you a fruit or a vegetable? You come from a tree but are in no way sweet and juicy like oranges or apples. No complaints you and the tomato have always been up there on radness to me Im just curious.

    Confused but satisfied: Banana fish


    Dear fish banana,


    It's totally a fruit, it has a huge seed right in the middle.


    Fruits don't have to be sweet.


    It's also the most delicious fruit ever, and goes with pretty much everything. I like it more than I like most things in life.



  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


    i shot you my number a while back member? anyways, with this new job i be in the town after 5pm on weekdays and on the weekends.


    Yeah dude, actually I have a drinking problem, so if you want to shoot it to me again... That'd be kosher.

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