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Desperate Despot

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Posts posted by Desperate Despot

  1. look now nice her neighborhood is and her cheap, bought, paint. Could have her turn tricks and rack for me. So I get paid and get paint. Be a pimp writer. I've seen fake ass pimps walk down the road... how do you know they're not lame ass writers with more crowns in their pieces than kings in european history.. Brooklyn Kid handstyles. And elementary school bubble letters. Imagine an old pimp writing some old school graff though. Drawing ho's instead of b-boys though. And the number or corner to go to lmao. Catch a 2 cases at once.


    Probably from a legendary crew called Yo Momma's Pimp. YMP with a crown on top!

  2. hahah i did the same^^ just to make sure i was seeing shyt correctly.

    Really wish though i could hear what the kid was saying.


    You know that horrible "Crazy Frog" techno song they used to play on those annoying Jamster commercials? They were lipsynching and dancing to that. The video used to be all over the net.. I guess someone, obviously, made a .gif out of it.

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