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Posts posted by colorfullterrorism

  1. yeah by the way the owner of the first skatepark flicks(s.oc.) flipped the fuck out, said all the shit was wack and he could do any of it, basically hated on graff and alot of respected heads, i flipped on him and apparently he scribbled all over my shit after i peaced, and i wouldnt doubt if the rest is gonna be there much longer seeing it as im the one who convinced him to let people paint it.... fuckin re-tar-ded i seriously didnt know what his deal was it came out of nowhere... i was like my bad your the one who wanted it to look like the old venice beach walls... hes trippin...

  2. ^................. all you post is a bunch of "bumps"... please stop...its ok to give props here and there but come on....


    who is SKOR? new head? shits lookin pretty slick...

  3. also APES had already previously been cought in some midwest state(i forget) so they already had his name on record..... i remeber them sayin that shit in the article, maybe this weekend i will dig up the article and scan it in....... speaking of apes does anyone have a flick of that circular storage tower off 83 him and ero raped.....i love how they found an apes costume in his car when they cought him, that would be the shit if he went painting in that... could you imagine seeing him doing that 28thstreet bridge in an apes costume...or a bilboard and just being an adverage person driving by... that shit would be great..

  4. i cant believe the goverment wastes money tracking graffiti writers, the fact is even if they think a piece is yours, and even if you have a photograph they found or even a sketch, they cant say its yours because there is no actual evidence at the "crime scene"(were you bombed) to prove that you were in fact there and did it..... i donno thats what i heard from this dude in Connecticut, he got charged with a shit load of felonies and got out of most..... i guess its all up to the judge in the end though..

  5. Yo DERK if you get on this PM me i was with sam....he was at my house when shit hit the fan..... im not sure what your name is on here..... so i couldnt PM you... hit me up FREE the HOMEBREW BROTHERS!!!!

    FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!! FREE THE WEED!!!!!

  6. random question...... does anyone know what ever happened to the baltimore-archive.com that used to be the shit..i remember hearing something about the guy who ran it selling his photographs

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