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Posts posted by northjerzSON

  1. this thread could use some old rt 80, 280 flicks. anyone got old SURE highways? and old ass themo/acet highways? or how about some new rt 80 or new 280. id prefer some that older shit though. and PLEASE dont post the 287/440 pics we all seen like 100848744 times. i love all that shit, but lookin for some other highways from around the garden state

  2. been a while. forgot the password. whats good new jersey? digin them freights. and damn the work jersey official been doing on the online bench reports.


    who did that we push back joint? that spot was slept on for a long time, now it keeps gettin hit.


    whats the deal with the 'legal' been a while since i been down there but everything gives off bad vibes on it.


    just sayin what up.

  3. id have to agree with most this list. but a few could be left off. a few others could be added.



    CENT - gets a bad rap becuase of the rest of DSM.....his shit isnt all that bad.

    EDAM - honestly he has potential...his throws are gettin better, time for a shadow and a stamp/shell. and he has his ups. again, runs with the wrong crowd.

    JREP - dude might not have the best style, but been puttin in work for a while now. has hit some very nice spots.


    ur top 5 is right on point.

  4. graffitti started as tags and throws and fills.

    that is the escence of graff. piecing came many years later.

    many many many people jumped on the graff bandwagon n went right to piecing, which i think is much easier. learning the hands and the throws is much more difficult.

    all these 'art fags' that go out and piece and never have hit the streets, never hit the highways, never hit trainlines or freights. these people are artists, not graff writers. graffiti in its true form is 1 or 2 colors. maybe 3. its done fast and flows. i dig piecing, but only when its done by someone who is a well rounded person. no one cares to see some colorful bullshit done by some kid who got an A in art class. its just not impressive. when u see someone who put in work, risked some shit, then see a dope piece, ur like "wow dude has skills, he can bomb, put up tags, and even kill a piece wall." thats respectable.


    how do u say its like hating on DEMER? dude put in his time. look at his shit and think about it. maybe u dont even know that demer killed shit in his time, maybe u really dont know who he is. yes, now he does commision walls n shit. but dude earned that shit. he doesnt get calls to paint these walls cause his colors are nice. (which they are) he gets calls cause of who he is and what he has done. mans got a good rep.


    RIME? look at what he has done. dudes got shit all over the USA, and europe. and everyplace inbetween. his hands and throws are dope and crisp and clean. ask the motherfucker, he will tell u, he didnt do a 'piece' for his first like 5 years.


    im sure someone will call me a dickrider or some wack ass comment. but names were brought up and i corrected you. for the record im not a demer dickrider, or even a fan of rimes wilder shit (its just not my style) but both these dudes earned what they have today, and we call that RESPECT.

  5. why is everyone always crying about the river spot and their shit gettin painted over? its a spot for flicks and a spot to paint without havin to be buggin out. if u dont want people painting over ur shit, paint the low walls. NOTHING runs long on the few big walls. thats just the type of spot it is. most of the people painting there understand this. if u get painted over, most likely its not beef, its just how it goes.

    this isnt directed at anyone in particular, but ive heard too many people bitching so i thought i would give my 2 cents on this.

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