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hot boy outlaw

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Posts posted by hot boy outlaw

  1. that shit is pretty crybaby.

    i lost respect for dude on that.

    awww your truck was dissed? awww.




    Ha ha. Yeah, point taken. That was quite laaame.

    Drunk internet rage is always a bad look.

    Shit, the internet is a bad look.


    We still do this graffiti thing because it's fun right?








    Heres some photography






  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    Shut up snitch. Shut up snitches. Every couple of weeks that I look at this shit it's the same fucking hoes chatting with each other. Bunch of pathetic birds who like to speculate. You faggots make me sick. Buncha pussies yapping in a pussy-ass city.

  3. know shit about grag



    I was on that BB traffic that afternoon too, got off at Fremont street exit, we pulled over on Howard between 1st and 2nd and BAM! dust, car alarms and me taking the long way way, driving on sidewalks arounf pot hill to the mssion to find my girl and dog...looking at the dark city from dolores park...Alfie had the Chatterbox open and the lights came back on while I was in there..never forget that. too bad I didnt know shit about graff past looking at Tie Rem Twist and Tom Mosh! Tom Mosh heavens on the BB. you know those scrawls...his 'style' 2nd grade sav


    edit - codger status that was almost 20 years ago and im olny um like, 24



    It's all very hazy, but the light poles were literally swinging where I was. Electral lines fell on my aunt's house in the 20's, and the freeway my pops took to work collapsed.

    The A's won though.

  4. Check it out homie. I'm going to address this and all this other nonsense just one time.


    MOELESTER is NOT Bely. Don't know who he is, couldn't care less.


    Neither Skul nor Sher are HCM. So you can drop that.


    You for damned sure don't have a picture of Keys. Not off myspace, not anything. Fact.


    To my knowledge none of the formentioned people are on here everyday talking about you kiddies, so quit the self righteous moaning about people waging some sort of internet camaign against you. You do that just fine without anybodys' help.


    And lastly, I had previously left an open invitation to fight, No one took me up on it. So, please, do us all a favor and quit yapping on this god forsaken all the time. That goes for everybody who may or may not be involved.


    It's fucking exhausting, and it's not becoming of anybody.

  5. Well, yeah, but there's no need to expedite the "outing."


    Take the high road. Don't stoop to his snitch level.


    Of course, you'd actually have to Call The Cops like Cake did a few weeks ago, to fully sink that low.




    Whatever, I'm over it. Here's an old picture.



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