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Everything posted by antere07

  1. dont realy like the cracks i fucked up on them so but feedback please
  2. ok cool and yeah i dont like the bottom of the b any way just seeing what people thought XD cheers tho and i agree with the T & A
  3. yeah i fucked up on that handy man pissed me off lol ill do another one later or 2mozz
  4. yeah i fuked that up lol didnt realise untill it was to late cheers
  5. new 1 I wrote sect because I don’t think it would make a difference with the sect in msk Because I’m ova in the UK n will probably never meet him or will never hit up the same place feedback please
  6. if i stared this all over that boston bench or w/e it is sorry !!!!
  7. jst wanted 2 kno what it woz
  8. chill out man i woz just wonderin n i fugured cuz im from the uk yh
  9. what do you mean boston bench it that were people from boston post sketches n photos n dat ?? bcuz a bench is like were aload of graffers meet at a special place 2 shw sketches n peices they dne enit?
  10. soooo any ideas on a name change ???? from sect 2 ............
  11. well any ideas on a name change ?? its just i hav rote sektor for agaes and some1 on puregraff told me 2 change it to sect so i dno lol
  12. what u fink ? feedback please
  13. 1st peice feed back please
  14. safe people i write sect yeah but i wonna change it n the names i cum up with r wank will ya help
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