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Posts posted by sner!

  1. im pissed i tried to get a picture of my smokin hott spanish teacher. shes like 24. but i couldnt get a pic.



    dude, i know how you feel, trust me. Every single teacher in the spanish wing of my school is like under 25 and hott as fuck cept for one.


    The one i have, has the biggest titties, and also happens to be the cheerleading coach at my school, so ive been to parties where cheer leaders are and actually have SEEN her there. She supposedly had sex with some kid last year named Kyle Crumb after he took her home or something from one of these cheerleader flings.


    Im gona put up my pics from the day soon...

  2. when i first went in cause my mom thought i had problems or something it we had to pay them


    then they requested me to come back or somethign to do further studies


    im too young for them too pay me or some shit.


    but once i hit 18, you best believe they better be paying me to come in there and sleep for them.

  3. :rolleyes:










    Established since you were still in ya daddy's nut sack.:rolleyes:

    Trust that homie. Your toy ass throw ups of a name thats been taken and wack ass poor escuse of flow will never earn you the right to throw that crew up....

    Who the hell dubbed you king????

    Snap out ya toy dream home boy.

    You need a reality check...

    Philly or Not. YOU GIVING PHILLY A BAD NAME....

    Your style needs serious help.:o



    i think you need to chill


    its just the internet after all


    big letters dont make you look like you mean buisness, just sit back and be like "kds is a crew in brookelyn, dont put it up unless you want to be smashed upon. dont put any crowns til your officially known as a king"


    set and done.


    id more more opt to listen to something rational like that then some dude trying to scream through a computer.

  4. bottom one is wack, scrap it, top one has potential, work on it





    the bottom one doesnt usually look that bad it was just sloppy, usually my proportions and curves are better but ill cope.


    thanks for the crits

  5. 67itljb.jpg


    whipped these up in like 3 mins.


    I write Snoz


    Ill post some filled throwees later when im not lazy and my hand isnt all greasy from chicken, no im not black.

  6. yo lets get our shit straight here about fsu. i'm not gonna say they do or do not gang up on people or whatever. however, they didn't kick skinheads out of boston. they kicked NAZIs out of boston, there's a huge difference. anti racist skinheads have been around way longer than neo nazis. i have a lot of friends that are s.h.a.r.p. (skinheads against racism and prejudice), and it always pisses me off when the term skinhead gets tossed around meaning nazi.




    skins has always jsut been the term for nazis, its one of those thigns that dont mean what they originally did but people still use it to refer to them any ways.


    theyve got a huge thing on FSU and boston beat down in this months rolling stones, you should got check it out.

  7. all toys need to work on there handstyle in my opinion. tahts the first thing your gonna want to start getting up. as your doing your handstyles, very seldomly do sketch pieces, and work primarily on getting a decent throwee. once you do this, youl have your 2 fundamentals down, your handstyle and your throwee, you can build any thing off that. you need to get your essentials down. practice every day.

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