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Everything posted by W3RM83

  1. W3RM83

    831 cali

    oh i like it when you say my name...so lemme get this straight...aura and eary are your scribs infantry and your the captain hiding out at base...i get it...
  2. W3RM83

    831 cali

    u wana play? ill just wait at your tunnel hideout with my weber bbq pit and my lawn chair...u should swing by.. TIMMMY!!!:cool:
  3. W3RM83

    831 cali

    everyone must love tacos...grullense is better tho....yummy:)
  4. W3RM83

    831 cali

    i asked you, thats the point..i dont waste my time on this shit researching whos who..you can tell by my name.....why did you lie to me man!!! whyyyy!!! haha... i just seen all your gay ass posts...and for a blind painter i feel a lot better... so really you told me you write hevy..next your gunna be telling me your mean..or on means dick..or vice versa...oh and mean..to set the record about the whole sidebusting incident..uhh..there was an mhk through my shit..but i know aura has an itchy finger..sooo yeaaah... your a mastermind with letters..you should know that a circle does not change....hmm common sense is not so common...smile its only life... :o
  5. W3RM83

    831 cali

    haha..i like that.."werms idol" the "M" does look similar..i like the O's that get me elevated...atleast you know what i write...when i asked you..you said a fake ass name..panzee :lol:
  6. W3RM83

    831 cali

    stoned..cant sleep...and this is awesome...
  7. thats a big assumption...i know a couple graff writers that dont even own a computer....as for me i never knew this thing existed until my coworker told me about this thing called 12oz... lemme ask you this..youve been painting walls forever...what did you write..lets see if i remember you..
  8. nov 2006 isnt that big of a diff. from 07... does that mean you stay here too? im just sayen the real grungy graff heads aint sitting behind a computer screen.. the real question should be..when did you start to write..honest answers please...:scrambled:
  9. W3RM83

    831 cali

    hmm..my homie bumped into a couple nsd kids down in the tunnels...said you were cool until he seen u went over his shit...tsk tsk tsk........since you guys always do this..i say mad ups not bump..but props to DAGR..EARY..MODE..NOEM..OATH..GLEEK..SOUR..MEAN..AURA..and thats my 2 cents for the night..ima go drink some beer and paint something...
  10. W3RM83

    831 cali

    Looks like someone had a serious case of mud butt....
  11. W3RM83

    831 cali

    i seen that aura eary billboard on my way to my chicks babyshower in gonzales...and then i seen aura on the box of the stroller i got..dudes doing promotional work..that dudes everywhere fuck!...
  12. W3RM83

    831 cali

    dope shit...there...haha fuck
  13. W3RM83

    831 cali

    fuuuuuuuckin dope....:) mad ups
  14. W3RM83

    831 cali

    ok ok..ima switch my name..no more werm... i like jew...so jew it is... anyone got any suggestions for a one man crew name?HAHA
  15. W3RM83

    831 cali

    werms a stupid fuck!
  16. W3RM83

    831 cali

    hmmm i thought i just said it was a saying....
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