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Everything posted by BIG BABY GEE

  1. how bigs his dick? sounds like you got it in your mouth alot when you type?
  2. hey, i got an idea. let's talk about SIK for the next nine pages. i bet if sik and ribbity got in a fight, sik would rip ribbitys arms off at the elbows and then he would really look like that little character or whatever he throws up. what do you all think?
  3. :five-o: sorry. maybe your not a cop. maybe your just a fucking toy. either way, asking questions online is pretty suspect :lol: naaaaah. on 2nd thougt you're definitly a fucking cop. fuck off pig
  4. are you a cop ? or just blind?
  5. :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: cut the chit-chat, junior mint. let's see the flicks already
  6. first a disclaimer: i'm not SIK. i don't know SIK. i don't care to know SIK- though i give him props for the work he's put in MooseKnuckles- i appreciate your somewhat more "objective" approach much more than ILOTSMYBRAIN's obvious flamebait, but if we're gonna stick to the facts, then PLEEEZE stick to the facts: a) "yes, no matter how much new yorkers want to take credit for giving birth to Writing, it was born in philly - and thats not to say the early ny writers were influenced by early philly writers - but philly was first <- actual facts" so your saying that philly was first, but that NY writers somehow discovered it completely independently, drawing on nothing but LOCAL influences. right. b) "but if it wasnt for new york writers, the shit definetly wouldnt be world wide to the point that it is today....another fact." actually, this is NOT a fact, but another biased opinion. what do you have a crystal ball or something that's able to see alternative visions of the future? it's impossible for you to imagine something like writing having a global impact without "new york writers" having something to do with it? c'mon, let go of your ego, man. ok. so once more for all the pupils. sticking to the FACTS, we have established that: a) writing as we know it started in philly b) a bunch of other places picked it up (NY being ONE of them) and NOW it can be found worldwide. and c) NY writers will take no shorts perpertrating any twist of logic (no matter how ridiculous) to obscure these facts, just to claim some piece of the glory for their own. why is it soooooo hard for NY writers to just accept that writing started in philly? y'all should just be proud to be a part of this unstoppable tradition of destruction that just happened to originate in philadelphia. quit crying, accept it and move on.
  7. clearly nobody cares but you. why keep creating a thread about it?
  8. if it don't fuckin matter then why you take the time to comment? look at this nerd talking about rome. yea and if we go waaaay back cavemen wrote on walls too! this has nothing to do with hip hop culture. regardless what YOU say, graffiti as we know it originated in PHILLY. whatever ny heads did with it from there is appendix. that book of history was WRITTEN in PHILLY. end of story
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