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Everything posted by MF ZOOM

  1. I was mentioning merc and all them dudes that used to be around awhile ago so i decided to go pull some pics of 'em.....(stolen) Merc: http://www.puregraffiti.com/graffiti-gallery/watermark.php?file=25536&size=1 big merc
  2. hahahah ARF. I remember that kid. I remember anytime that dude would put up a "throwie," sombody would OWN his shit (i.e. the pics above). I remember dudes call him Barf and shit..... y'all scared that poor kid away...... LouTool: I know you remember him (from pg).
  3. wheres big merc (merk?) at? i aint seen any of dudes shit up in a minute. I miss seeing those throws.... and other stuff..
  4. hush over mines? i hardly even see any mines freights these days..... krafty kouln krushin kids..... shoyu also.......
  5. A tride called quest sour Anybody got any Pyle shit?
  6. sicr dat real yo My cousin June bug (who likes to eat pusy) kouln carter Remember we're all family....... Or since were in north carolina... We're all KIN..
  7. ^ you on point team fuck you ! Now we need to make that a stencil! then we can make wheat pastes And then we can all link up and play Marc echo's getting up! One big happy family
  8. I know I have nothing to do with all of this e-beef and I'm not involved, but I think a jam is in need. Man we all live in north Carolina, so why not get together, show eachother some love. Talk,eat, and just relax....... How about taking all of this negative energy, and chanleing it towards somethin' positive...
  9. that booty......... mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmm M!
  10. Nice vid peter pablo. But where are all the people spinning their shirts around like hella-Copta. That ain't 919. Man that malls where all of us cool,rich emo kids go when feel like we need some attention because mom and dad are too busy to tell us that our jeans are too tight, and that my hairs lame. "fuck emo hair cuts" word is born son.
  11. i remember that mines......was that mines character crossed out by flip?
  12. bump bars. dudes work is lookin fresh.
  13. thats some gangsta stuff... woem over woem.....and relm? i know i know...
  14. why so sensitive? If you are hinting at what I think you might be..... I dont and can't eat pork. I'm Muslim. As far as my boys back home.... They ain't botherin' you, they just fill me in on what's happening in the DMV....hommie.
  15. whos this song and other kid my boys back home keep telling me are killin' shit? Anybody wanna give me some flicks?
  16. dilla dog. stonesthrow records all day.
  17. browsing my fav sneaker message board i came across these: food for thought
  18. just to let you raleigh heads know, google has now made "street view" for raleigh! have fun.
  19. bomb gysers moms hand. with the tracks comin out and whatnot..............
  20. somebody just droped the megatron bomb....
  21. WXYZ 7777 xyz affair? yeah i'm bored
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