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Everything posted by Zer1

  1. let me guess....another mr wiggles victim?
  2. those arrows were just fooling around...i hardly do extensions and just decided to fuck around wit 'em...dont' worry, if i put a sketch together wit dat letter, it won't be wit extensions haha
  3. should start puttin that stuff on the wall alert, it's pretty basic so i'd say like...your 3rd or 4th time piecing should attempt the dert
  4. pace, your stuffi s basic which is good, but it almost looks like your tag w/o the underline, and just a fill color with an outline...try making some sketches and fooling around with shadows and 3d, but basic ones, i see the one on the train has a shadow, but try and make more with shadow/3d
  5. yea, i'm only working on stuff i know i can paint right now...but it'll get better...just gonna take some time
  6. against the stuff he's putting up?
  7. what...basic? at least i'm not tryin to pull off some shit i kno will just look wack, or bite someone else's style, or do the same shit over and over again in diff colors...
  8. i posted a basic style that i'm painting (didn't get to finish b/c bums kicked us out, but the outline is up, and one of them said we could come back later this week) it should be on this page or a page back
  9. i don't get it...how os?
  10. have u even seen any of my shit besides the one i put on here?
  11. you write 'zers'? b/c i write zer...
  12. basic one i'm painting
  13. reminds me of sokers work
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