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chainsaw party

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Posts posted by chainsaw party

  1. Ha! I worked at a picture framing studio for a while. Bump for those customers who bring in those spraypaint paintings on scrap cardboard who swear the person they paid 50 dollars to at the local wine festival for an 11 by 17-3/8 painting of planets and waterfalls is the only person in the entire world that makes them and therefore the painting is priceless beyond the poor picture framers mortal grasp of value. But learning that shit comes in very handy all the time.

  2. I just heard on the radio this morning that Modesto supposedly was rated as one of the lowest cities as far as quality of life goes. Shit just because it's the dudebitch capital of northern california, is infested with superhuman crankrats, and produced George Lucas doesn't mean it's all that crappy. I mean that's only like three strikes.

  3. Yeah take away all the $80-$90 shoes , silly-ass " skate clothes " jeans , hoodies , horrible & shitty rap influences . That's a start .;)



    :lol: Holy shit! :lol:


    This new millenium skatepark boom has ruined me. I can't skate like I did in the 90's. Nowadays, when I go street skating I look for any semblance of a sloped surface and if there is none I find a pallet, plywood, car hood, etc. and make one. Frontside flips have turned to footplants.

  4. l_cbb3a8c002e02eb6eff1a40312a891e3.jpg


    words cant describe how insanely awesome this is



    There's so much cool shit in that picture suddenly my pizza slice I am eating right now lost flavor. If that's the new shirt design, then I'm definitely getting one for the deacon that lives down the street from me.

  5. It's the Jewel of the cesspool known as the inland delta. Home of superhuman cranksters, wigger farms, wierd ass skate terrain, trains as mentioned above, and neighborhoods so plentiful with megans law dudes that you can see the dots from space. . . I've been told it has a porno store that pretty much takes up an entire city block.

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