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Posts posted by maviK_

  1. yea i agree..

    idk why u are posting that wack shit.. no one wants to see the stuff that took 5 minutes.. post some book pieces or simples.. we dont wana see ur throw ups that u did before you went to school in the morning on the bus

  2. simples


    u guys should stop doing extensions and shit and just do simple straight letters they look dope when painted and it can help build letter progression.



    and life those shirts are pretty dope i've always wanted to try air brushing

  3. yeah i just started working on my hand


    but should i connect it?


    i think if u just keep wrting it over and over again u'll eventually develop a flow over it.. thats how i got my handstyle just start like bending letters and what not u could do a lot of cool stuff with the S and A

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