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Everything posted by ask4about2me

  1. Dammit! did i miss another clenztwo fail?!?!
  2. all this dumb shit.....,big ballz mcgee 42 say fuck you
  3. bump the ghost yard and the line yard
  4. 42sux? i have an idea of who that is.....
  5. i bet lime hates you. both of them.
  6. bump the dirty dime....quaranta y dos
  7. you sad^.........and you still swallow
  8. i know we are......and you still gobble miles of cock.....
  9. yep. basic math. add up the individual lengths of all the penises that you swallowed yesterday.....if you end up with 42 inches,let us know.
  10. "the funky munkys is comin....."
  11. what is the answer to life,the universe and everything? google that shit hoe!google that shit hoe!google that shit hoe! foty deuce bitch!
  12. http://tennessean.com/ front page picture.....
  13. ..... http://krimetime.com/wiretapping/?p=124
  14. THIS IS WEST NASHVILLE..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP6PNOGYVKU
  15. if i could do it like that,maybe i wouldnt get bitched at for doin black and white pieces.....fr-fr-f-f-f-fresh.....askaboutit
  16. what it do.....mafia familia gettin down this weekend.....gotta be on point and shake off this rust
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