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Everything posted by xdambx

  1. Yeah guys, check out his site. See what it's going to look like to have your name blasted for being locked up.. Who's has or goes looking for that kind of info anyways on random people.. And isn't starting a blog/site a good way for cops to gather i.p adresses to locate people? Fuck n Eh! I could go on for days.. Like about giving people info on how to react to cops... !!RUN!! Nothing else!! If they get you they do what the fuck they want anyways! You have no rights when it's your word against theirs. I know that from experience. They will search you no matter what and say it's cause they feel you are a threat to them(while they are packing heat).. Then stick you with a fake case just cause they know you probably don't have the money to get a Lawer to fight it.. They "tell you" they got a bunch of shit on you so you take that case and not all the "real shit" they got on you.. Mean while trying to get info and have you snitch on their high priority writers.. Then your fucked.. In their fucked up little system..Get you a slap on your record so if they do catch you again you get some real time/fines/community service.. Dont even ask for a public defender to help either.. These guys work for and with the other side to resolve things. So that diversion class/comunity service they try and give you, tell them fuck that! Just remember people.. Most graffiti cases are built on people who give themselves up.. So if you have a run in with these fucking blue bellys KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!! If they got you they got you and you should know it.. If they catch you without paint then how the fuck did you do it??? Never admit to shit even if you think they really know, make them prove it to you in court.. Be smart people, use your heads and be safe out there putting in work!! Oh yeah "!!FUCK THE SYSTEM!!" P.s- clean your fucking rooms.. That's the first place they go after you get caught so you have a way better chance of saying it wasn't you without shit tons of proof laying around the casa ya dig.. Today's lesson was brought to you by stepyourfuckinggameup.com..
  2. Took the words out my mouth.. Oink oink muthafuckas!!
  3. I don't remember anyone ever having 6 throwies on that wall, must have got buffed quick.. Topek did a "Another Legend Born" hollow way way back In the day before most people in here were potty trained but that's bout the biggest thing I've seen on that spot..
  4. Fools be biting Amek hands way too hard!!
  5. Oh yeah label sucks and could never pull off a skull like that. Just sayin. Its by ZENK L#1!
  6. And that blog sucks balls besides the lno leak did on the cover page.. How you going to steal a bunch of fliks to start a blog? That shits gay as fuck! And really, in peoples backyards and shit? Looks like a toy ass sucka made that shit or a fucking cop.
  7. crackin in this bitch! best pic?? whos got it?
  8. Dooo it!! Jk.. But yeah I heard the same shit..
  9. Again....... And that gram shit will be turned to GREM if I ever see it.. Don't make me steal flicks to show you why..
  10. Pussy straight killin it! Bump pussy!!!!
  11. And I don't think people hate on him outside of his personal beefs.
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