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Posts posted by iwritebasic

  1. well, here's an idea:

    if you're satisfied with his ink,

    then buy it.

    he worked hard to make that formula.

    you seem to be impressed with it.

    if you don't want to make something similar yourself

    then just be satisfied with it and move on.


    if you think he's going to be like

    "aww shit you got me son yeah that's what it is"

    then you're smoking too much.

    so support the dude and don't ask people how to make it

    if you're not going to try their suggestions and decide for yourself.


    if you buy my ink, oink ink,

    or krink black,

    or grog black,

    or DED outdoorsman,

    you will have a great staining ink.

    if you can get any of these brands

    for less than a bottle of the local candy ink

    then buy some and make it yourself.


    if that doesn't satisfy you,

    then take a bottle of the candy ink and let it settle

    then use a turkey baster to remove each of the layers,

    place the different layers in different containers

    and use polar (water) or non-polar (dry toluene) solvents (liquids)

    to extract the goods and figure out what's what

    and make it yourself.


    "i don't want to do all that shit!?!"


    well, you asked.



    i asked him for it, but he doesnt want to give me the recipie because its super secretive and tahts why noone has the real recipie, and the people that hvae it obviously arent gunna wanna share it. and im positive there is a website because i talked to the dude and he said he has to ORDER some more for himself off the site

  2. doe boy fresh:

    since you win the "song i like made into a screen name" award:

    i will repeat what i stated previously.


    to make ink smell better,

    i.e. "candy ink",

    add scented oil like you can buy at a head shop

    or liquid flavoring like you buy at the grocery store

    and add that to your ink

    until it doesn't smell like chemicals anymore.




    and i will be carry junobo products very soon.

    and i will have the credit card problems fixed by Tuesday at the latest, i'm pretty sure.

    sorry for the inconvenience guys...




    well according to a guy i talk to that owns candy ink and knows the site, i asked him and he says thats not it, besides smellling really good it stains super hard too, its not jus ordinary ink, i think thats why ppl always ask about it cus there are so many misconceptions about it

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