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Everything posted by mir

  1. bump gasm, chumps change and crave
  2. bumb lerk yall dont have to listen to me but i swear he dont play around
  3. SG. lerk realist nigga doing it
  4. shit boi you got like 10 days better hurry
  5. yeah like its like yeah but not really yeah lol lol l0l lol lol thiss guyy hhhahhha
  6. hqahahhaahaha oh man this is great
  7. so is this not BS clutter lyke omg
  8. get out of here with that bullshiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeett
  9. is this real life??? ok now i, ok now i.....
  10. n. pl. fo·rums also fo·ra (fôr, fr) A public meeting place for open discussion. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper, a radio or television program, or a website. thread b. A set of posts on a newsgroup, composed of an initial post about a topic and all responses to it. sorry to burst your bubble mr kin jung...hypocrisy???
  11. no not anymore it wont and if there is something on the back it might get the buff too...."but what should i know im just a doctor."
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