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asian boy

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Everything posted by asian boy

  1. its the "and u probally dont even write. fucking internet fag." that would mean you do more graffiti than he does, right? ;) ;)
  2. fun haver is NOT funboy or tmr ..................... just so you all know. and chubs if you think that you paint as much as 1978 your more retarded than i am. 3 of of my friends were arrested there. train tracks are not public property. toer is a true patriot and a fine American, happy belated forth everyone.
  4. he was talking about the portland stok dude. free stok
  5. before the kuk roller went up. btoe is sweet
  6. i like that "stick it in her butt and pee" tag that server did on the last page. i think he’s taking about that hansom man posing with a gun.
  7. come on. dont you know that fader is the only one allowed to do 1 letters. thats the rule. no one else is allowed, especially if, god forbid, your name also starts with an f. that asshole fever is a tmrulebraker
  8. let me clear it up. you are a mean guy, and you constantly hurt my feeling. i dont like it when you raise your self esteem by making fun of me and my friends. It is not nice at all. you dont know me or anyone on tmr so i dont know where you got that description...... and its wrong so let me clarify for your benefit. weak: no suburb nerd: im not from the suburbs i was born, raised, and still live in north portland.......thats not the suburbs. no member of tmr is from or has ever lived in the suburbs. but as for the nerd part, yes and no. toer is a nerd and jeab is not. toy: well i suck at graffiti but i think fever and toer are both pretty good and we are all better than you.....come on dude.....i think you have got to agree. game goofy: no? square ass sukkabutts: fuck yes until the day i die. Tmr is not worth this much attention…..we are kids who tag on stuff……and drink beer….i dig leadbelly.
  9. ha ha ha is one of those 8ths the one that jeaber yoked from you for two dollars?;)
  10. toer gave me some of his chicken sandwich from wendys. but he also talks shit on the net too much.
  11. not bad? i think its funny that you talk like you have some authority. but you are a toy and a loser and fever is infinitely better than you. you are constantly talking shit and making comments like you know what your talking about, but you dont, your opinon means nothing to anyone. why dont you go paint some fill ins in Beaverton under a bridge. be sure to get the flicks so that the rest us can learn from you extensive knowledge and skill at the graff game.
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