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Everything posted by ElJefeMasGuapo

  1. Damn one drunk comment and people bug out. I can care less bout what people wear or where they are from but dude was talking about how Seattle is more dangerous than NYC like the people visting NYC from there right now are fucking Al Capone. We all know thats bullshit. End of story.
  2. You type like a 15 year old. You have no idea what youre talking about. Fall back. Go to sleep lil baby. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
  3. This is in Pittsburgh. Bump MF one.
  4. Are you fucking retarded. You go over a retired queens legend and thats not a toy move? That roller was there for a minute. Die.
  5. Bump De3. Tearing shit up something quick. Taking out some Katsu shit from what Ive seen. And Bronx and Sosa too.
  6. Pobe, Youre a clown my man. First of all dont brag about spending dough you inherited from mom dukes. You earn any of that cake you little rich boy fuck? Nah didnt think so. And you slay dimes? Youre a white version of Tyrone from Chappelle Show. Cmon son. CMON. And Yorkville is only three blocks? YOURE FROM YORKVILLE YOU BIRD. And youre not even welcome in your own hood. Hurts dont it? And funny how you gotta yap about rolling through with other people. When have you EVER held it down yourself? You get into beef and have other people fight for you or you just run because youre straight PUSSY. My two cents. Hope those feelings arent too hurt :D
  7. Btw you have me shook, I'm REALLLLLYYYYYYYYY scared of what Pobes gonna do. Thats hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
  8. Why is anyone going to punch a dude in the face thats known for snitching and pressing charges? Not worth it my man. I suggest finding a new friend.
  9. Ha. So you admit it then? And cmon son. CMON SON. You jock everyone so hard trying to be down with whatever crew dick your sucking. How much money did you drop back in the day trying to make friends? How much paint you buy? How many times you get beaten and chased. Youre frail. You never won a fight in your life. Dont make me get the tape from my boy of you fighting and trying to pull hair you little cunt.
  10. Hes been getting punched in his face and chased his whole life. Its nothing new. First one to mouth off and then the first one to jet. Fucking clown.
  11. pobe is a fucking PUSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Fucking twink.
  12. Bump this shit. Live ass spot. 62nd and 2nd. Didnt get to live that long though.
  13. Youre a skinny little white boy. Stop fronting like your A. Black B. Tough C. From uptown. YOURE A FUCKING BIRD.
  14. No one gives a shit about your opinions. Stick to making shitty ink you bird. More flicks please.
  15. The mustache is a no go. You look like one of the village people. FAIL.
  16. I could give a fuck about Same. Pobe is and was a son in his own neighborhood and never got any love. Remember when you got caught out there delivering food and you ran down 86th street you little twink ass snitch? Or when your boys got stomped out in the middle of 86th and Bagz was hopping over cars like he was on a movie set and you left him there for dead? Didnt BAF put a video of you on public access getting fucked up at the heliport too? Everyone knows youre SOFT. Youve been getting chased punched and sonned youre entire life. Kill yourself.
  17. Trackstar. Why you even posting this trash.
  18. I love this wall. Used to be a lot better. Bump the Pres Seak and Flyguy nuts
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