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Posts posted by ANTI-

  1. i meet heist back in the winter of 2003. he was doing a piece on a boxcar behind a warehouse near my house. i scared the shit out of him when i walked up to him. then he chilled out and we talked for like an hour. it was so sweet watching him paint, because i didn't know anything about graffiti. i remember he asked me if i knew anything about the RA, and i didn't know what it was, but i remembered always seeing this huge RA piece on top of this building on Westwood. meeting him was probably one of the coolest things ever, he was super nice, and ever since than i started seeing a bunch of his work. i always looked forward to seeing a new piece on the side of the AW trail. i didn't get into graffiti until a couple years later, and i had always thought it would be sweet if i got to paint with him someday. i remember reading about how he had died in the winter of 05, and i was like WTF! i couldn't believe it, then i started seeing all the RIP HEIST pieces. it really sucks that he is gone, i wish i would have known him better. i cant Imagen how bad all of the people that knew him must miss him. much respect to all the RA guys and RIP HEIST.

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