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Posts posted by PHUN1

  1. As you can see, I would like to learn about can control... I searched (not so thoroughly) and couldn't find nothin wit this topic..... I see on nyc streets these fukin hot tags, flares, one liners.......I can go-on, but I would like sum tipz on how to control the can, what angles to hold it, when to stop for drips or not for drips, FLARE angles(fukin awesome) and so-on. Plus the use of capz wit these different art techniques....... Bout the only thing I know is that you can get exaggerated lines in your tags with FAT CAPZ:cool: awesome little things. Plus they take part in flare making..........plz help!!

  2. The fuck? I've never heard of him... So fuck it. I've googled it numerous times with no results either. Oh well.

    If I find tha vid, i give you a download link in a pm.... um tha classes are on how to use a can,caps,setting up a mural n stuff dickweed...WELL NO DUH YOU CAN"T REALLY BE TAUGHT IT...fukin idiot, neways plus cans is not 1 DOLLER, you probably buy that SHITTY paint that explodes in drips every 2nd or 2, around where the real paint is like krylon, they are 5$ a tin......NEVA EVEN IN AN ABANDONED CORNER HARDWARE STORE THE PRICE WILL NEVA CHANGE(except get higher)...And Bones you got ill styles dude, freakin hot sketch man!! INK IT!!!!

  3. i just gotta get a job ( ima youngin ) so i can afford paint. cant rack theres mad secruity in lowes walmart and otherplaces of the sort


    Same here, I only 13 yrs old man..... I gettin lucky cuz I got hook ups wit meres1 from NYC(I from bx) and I got permission wall and spots to paint at 5ptz AND I gunna take his graff classes there in May....by the way bouncing soul, I was watchin sum graff vid and there is a famouse tunnel bomber who writes KNEWS and bombs with I think ADER....NEWAYZ I got a summer job so I need to rack up(not steel cuz that aint me) sum pizzaint....Plus my pops and uncle used to bomb trains back in da day(pops was down wit THE REAL ORIGINAL TC5 and a lot of other crews back in tha day at the home of graff in da BX, not to brag) and they do proffessional murals as a living...sooooo my uncle can get me sum MONTANA!!! at a very cheep price off a dealer he knizzows.....were you live Mr.bonez?

    ndvd001js2.th.pngI found dis in manhatten on canal street!!

  4. lucid

    maybe some people want to post the stuff they draw. crits help some people if there not stubborn




    why should i battle him?


    everyone that wants to know

    and the template page(s) gonna be up tomorrow and ill post links



    It'll be cool, But!! you can't paint from what I hear on this forum AND boner from nyc is technically a legend........ When you paint BETTER (not that I can cuz I suck ballz) It would be interesting.....Youz got ill style, if you can transfer your paper skillz to paint, you''ll kill people.....

  5. dscf1432gc1.jpg

    its not on paper. ohwell



    note: those tips are rackable look for the lil cans of model paint in walmart. they have those tips on them ( some of them not all,the others make thin lines without drips)


    BEAUTIFUL HANDSTYLE dude!! thats really off the hook...BUT I deffinately not feelin that peice, you shouldn't have did your tag ON it....

  6. not a throw-up to you, but I use it as quick way to get up.





    Thats sick dude!!! Post a pick ov it if you eva bomb it under a tunnel or trainside....Silver with black outline.....THAT WOULD LOOK OFF DA HOOK!!!

  7. trowie.jpg

    You style reminds me a lot of a young bronx bomber:

    (the S mostly and the way he tagged my black book....Your handstyle looks similar BUT different....I LIKE IT A LOT)



    DO YOU LIVE IN MANHATTEN? I see your givin props to JAM, he really cool dude. I live in the BX......

  8. DSCF0375.jpg










    Yo, if you think you did these throwies you didn't...(IF YOU DID) These throwies I got signed in a few of my black books so if you jus copied those shits, use a toy ass bitch, IF NOT, Nice job gettin those writerz.....

  9. I cant freakin keep up with the posts..Neways, it was said back like 3 pages that I didn't do the piece I posted at 5 pointz...... who ever said it, fuck you cuz you just haten cuz u wasn't thur. I know meres1 personally as well as people from tats(like hecktor) and other people. Go ahead and not believe me. I have a picture of me in another photo OF MY PIECE.......

  10. OMG!!! I haven't posted in like 3 months. I like your new style bouncing soul!!


    (choppy cuz I had to pee LOL)NEW THROWIE






    SMALL PIECE (not done cuz I killed my mom's cam at 5 pointz in queens)


  11. Yo, you too bouncing soul, anyone who writes a piece/bomb that looks the same over and over...STOP NOW AND WRITE SUMTIN DIFFERENT...I can see why you consider yourself a toy, because you can only do one type of style......I did pieces with style like cope2, per1, some friends I know that write well, and so-on. Make simple letters for a roll-up bomb...I made like 50 of those......When ever I am gunna start hardcore bombing, I got it down packed...... If you guys go out there and bomb the same shit, artists are gunna beat you down cuz you aint rockin everything..... People also gotta start postin handstyles..... Post sumtin different for a change.....

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