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Everything posted by FLOEBTDMSP

  1. man...if sunk could just work on toss ups he would be in business. WOMP WOMP
  2. dude. get out of the ward thats like 20 % of the graff in richmond.
  3. i take vault on dates all the time. i always have to pay. shit sucks. also hes a nazi.
  4. haha. its easy to say that behind a computer. one day you wont be just a message on a computer. you will be a face in front of me. remember that the next time you think about typing stupid shit. think whatever you want. i could give a fuck i know you wont say that shit to me or any of my friends in richmond so keep your ass where ever you are and mind your own fucking business.
  5. it would be fun as shit to have a statewide graff war. i love beef. :D
  6. if anyone hits rcade and im around there is a real good chance that said anyone is going to the hospital. be easy people its just graff. we dont want to go to the next level. shit will get real fucking stupid.
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