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Posts posted by CakeOne

  1. i should beat your ass just for the fact the you dont know what the fuck is going on.


    first, you must not know shit bout the niggas your talking about cus skul isnt even HCM.


    second, there was no video. fools said there was, still aint seen it. if you seen it then put it up. oh maybe getting slammed on your head is not as bad as getting knocked the fuck out first hit, like cake did.


    EVERYONE knows that video would be up everywhere and have been seen by now if it existed cus niggas like to show off dont matter what side we talking about.



    how does someone get knocked out first punch,then some how get up and suplex his opponent.!!!??..sounds like cake got the final blow what happened after that big head first suplex?? new era!!!


    sounds like skul got in a good punch, 1 punch didnt win the fight!!! skuls knows he left bleeding while you new era walked him to his car

    cake finished his peice with no bruises blood nothing on em....

  2. for LLVS.....

    your pissed because Osker made your come to his aid..now he's bitching out!!!and your dissed all over the eastbay. Osker doesnt even wanna fight, but your on 12oz talking....keys...why protect that lil bitch?? he started the whole thing, your crying on 12oz with the rest of HCM and EMR about internet talk while your stalking HR on every thread!!!


    :lol: :lol:

    stop crying

    ps i saw the picture too..keys you was in some pink panties like a bitch

    and skul and sher is HCM....stop fronting:lol: :scrambled:

  3. there's many cities where you beef with people without ever seeing em....

    you stalk my homie like a bitch scorned on 12oz but in real life your soft like cuddles...moe lester your 28 years old...grow up!!!

    HCM EMR:your on 12oz talking bout how cake scared of the next man...:lol:

    while you paint knowing you shit is gunna get gone over..while you paint like your trying to make cake mad by your 1 spot...you fools need to figure out what got you into graff it seems like cake got your brains fried..



    now you may go on.....

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