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Everything posted by sec187

  1. sec187

    Wash DC

    Use imageshack or photobucket to host your images....you dont have to reduce the size/quality down as much as 12oz whats you too( when you attach images through them)....and all you have to do is cut paste the html code they give you into the body of the 12oz message ps...nice NAA flick
  2. sec187


    ^^^write away, he was refering to a deleted flick, of a skull that wasnt Ich
  3. sec187

    Wash DC

    Very true RockThrower....I visit your thread mainly lookin for old NAA, stuff, and it funny to see how much crap is put up in this thread. In the Boston thread, if a toy posts his shit he pretty much made to cry, so he either quits the game or doesnt post shit till it is deserving, he steps up his game. There are a few people I see, in DC, doing their thing and doing it well. I understand the idea of keepin the thread alive and moving, but for us outsiders looking in, Previous poster said I correct, it makes the whole city look bad. Edit** Likin the history RockThrower, Cast
  4. sec187

    Wash DC

    ^^^LOL there will always be a hater
  5. sec187

    Wash DC

    nice Cast, like the old exacto too!!
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