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Everything posted by *SuSFive*

  1. i can lift your mom so however much she is
  2. but you cant judge model three over some online bullshit,find out what he writes n judge him in the streets
  3. i see rel and saks all the time whats he talking about
  4. i no im just sayin the only place ive seen them is under bridges in silver spring
  5. get the rel n saks shit outta here,stay under some bridges in silver spring
  6. sounds like someone has a little problem with there ego, some advice bud go take a dip in the river to cool down your hot head
  7. sorry bro your mom aint that hot
  8. what the fuck? if it aint broke dont fix it,bump that sape n jesk
  9. or get some variety in your shit,already tired of those same straight letters
  10. who the fuck wud bite coma and nore nobody
  11. ya i know just kidding tale is sick,burd is tight too,guess i am jealous as i should be
  12. dont mind if i do,tale is old and washed up.burd,byrd,bird make up your fucking mind,i could burn both of those toys
  13. i actually don know ,just guessin my b
  14. doesnt matter that shit is amazing
  15. i saw a kid get it by a bus today..shits fucked up
  16. bump that relm n relek at trench,too bad some stupid fucker did shit over them crazy juonts
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