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Posts posted by .hack

  1. this is what i use;

    its basically silk paint + kiwi shoe polish ( squeezy bottle shit ). I warn you now, if you get the silk paint on ANYTHING, it will NOT come off.



    Grab some of that black kwiw shoe polish in the bottle with a sponge on the top ( black ).

    take a pan, and wrap the inside with a few layers of tin foil, make sure you cover it properly, so the ink doesnt run through and fuck up the pan.

    either do it outdoors, or grab a gas mask or somthing, and open the windows. rip off the sponge cap on the shoe polish, and put a tiny bit in the pan. heat it as slowly as you can, until you see some white fumes, you do not want to breathe any of this stuff in, so be careful.. its a good idea to get an old bottle which used an eyedropper. now the silk pain should have come with an eyedropper, take the pan off the heat, and drop some silk pain in bit by bit..then fill your container with it, and shake well! if you get lums in the bottle, it means you didnt heat it enough.If you find its too thin, shove some mineral spirits in it, or oil? not sure.

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