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Posts posted by oopzie

  1. There was 6 of us in a ute 3 in the cabin and 3 in the tray..Painting down the M'line we made it to guildford where we decided to drop sum shit behind this ware house, as we walked out to get back in the ute this dodgy junkie pulls up and starts goin of his nut askin us wat we were doin, my mates acts like a smart cunt and says we jsut checking out this Bed matress (out the front in the junk) for his nan, we hoped in the ute drove over the island and headed back home, as our driver did the u-turn he yelled out fuck you (dumb cunt), (i was still in the back try wit my 2 mates), all of a sudden this crazy cunt was following us wanting to smash, he looked like a boxer casue he had boxing gloves hanging from his mirror, he then started thrownign shit at us like money from his car just missin my head, then started throwing m16 bolts at as and random metal pieces, my mates and i were duckin in the bak the bolts were just missin us, we then lost him after 20 minutes.


    as soon as we lost him the next second we see a cop car they put there sirens on and chased, they stoped the car, my mate jumped fences everyone abandoned the car (lights on engine still goin doors open), i got caught but made some bull shit excuse that i was not wit them and was walkin home from a party down the road,


    we all got away... ahahah

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