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prawn laksa

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Everything posted by prawn laksa

  1. i was refering to the whole 'h2o "its definatly "breaking the mold""' comment. funniest thing ive heard in a while...
  2. far from it. this piece is pushing boundaries beyond the norm. each letter dope. the piece as a whole has swinging structure. i enjoy unconventional graff that breaks the mold. stylistically there is more effort in one letter than in that whole h2o thing at bondi... each to their own though...
  3. i like the new triple choc paddlepops. dems was sick....
  4. OK. Letters. its about lettering. make them look good. you should be able to remove any single letter from the piece and it should stand alone.... Colours. there is infinate colour range available, budget or no-budget. if you cant do letters at least you can distract the viewer with a 12 colour fade, 4 colour 3d, and 32 bubble colours. Location. if you have time to put in some effort, you should....
  5. thats rubbish. if you guys think thats any good then your opinions are worthless. no wonder sydney graff is turning to shit. you guys have no standards....
  6. he still is nowhere. that shit is wack. its got all the trendy bits and flash imagery. all failed attempts at camouflaging piss weak letters. i think this kid wants to be from LA....
  7. he writes hr, i wonder if he rocks polo and abstays unts adlay aye....
  8. please tell me you joking... pheat has a long long long way to go.
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