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Everything posted by daniprovolone

  1. "a horrid handstyle" you're fuckin nuts...and blind
  2. i need like a crash course in good image posting, i've been doing the "manage attachments" thing and recently it stopped working so no posting...all i can do is watch now
  3. ssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! nice Toe flick...looks familiar
  4. i might be blind, and dumb.. but whats this?
  5. bumb that emty way up there, and that that oui simple, and those hands...and um o yea all that other dope shit....page lookin fresh...more please
  6. sorry dood...but still, i just wanna see letters and colors and i dont bitch about about logistics
  7. who votes this guys shuts the fuck up?? all in favor...?
  8. they killed owni?!?? noooo, watever his letters are way doper than that HH crap, minus that diner
  9. o snap allover, lookin fresh kid nice green name, premium
  10. shit wouldnt be so bad if his disgusting tags werent all over the middletown area, shit hurts my eyes
  11. so true, we saw it and laughed in disgust
  12. fuck that graff is about LETTERS and STYLE, not adobe skills and im pretty sure i've seen a beast and soki simple with some tape work in the 3d aloe and acrid are fuckin' buttery
  13. allover, you just made my day holy fuck, that yl wall lives up to the hype, emty hand in boston? wats that beacon street? d line? fuck yes
  14. this page is fucking stupid, fuck the politics i wanna see colors and letters damnit, regardless who did it, fucka yl fucka hh, fuck it all, shit... i just wanna see flix
  15. eamdiggy, you get pics of that main st wall?!?! im itchin to see
  16. not in CT but dude is from ct, rep'n the cut in a dam
  17. Boston stand up! but seriously, figured i would have seen that wall by now oui, i check this shit everyday just incase one of you posted it and no yl burners...
  18. bump the fuck outta that EMTY, best yet, TD!!!
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