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Everything posted by eeeeee

  1. VEL (this mans gonna have a thread of his own soon I BET) MYER MYER & CROM ESONE ND CREW GES, SORE, REAK
  2. Okay, this new thread is here to combine the best of both Cov AND Lem. The other two threads were full of beef and bullshit zero picture posts and this thread is here to stop that. PICTURES ONLY PLEASE, talking is fine just not in massive doses, let's try and keep it pure pics for the next few pages huh? Cov & Lem are both pretty unknown and this forum is open to people worldwide, people aren't gonna think much of a place they've never heard of if the first thing they see is some bitchy j00 L!NED ME OWT string of posts. We've got an alright scene, a bit beefy but once you get past that there's some real dope writers kicking about, this is what we have to flaunt!! ANYWAY I'm defying the point and going off on one... The PM service is here for a reason and it's alot more secure to talk about personal issues there than here, and hey! You could always meet up in real life and discuss all the latest news over a nice cup of tea!! Now things are straightend out a bit... LETS HAVE SOME PICS!! If we go 2 pages without any text posts I'll throw a party. ............... DOCK KEPT ABLE ABLE & TECK ABLE & VEL ( there are close ups of these 2^ if someone wants to post um... ;U )
  3. is that a carton of milk on the floor?
  4. eeeeee


    dundundun I've got all/most the pics off, I've missed alot partly cus I couldn't be fucked with um and partly cus they were wack.. I dunno if I should just whap um in any order, by city, by crew, by writer or chronologically... any order/by crew or writer sound good to me. GOOD NIGHT
  5. eeeeee


    wuhwuhwuhwicked I dunno if I can be arsed to set up 2 seperate threads .. unless it really does piss Cov heads off to have to post there stuff along with leamside shit.. even tho your all pretty much the same writers... If you start bumpin stuff you want in them then that'd help LOADS
  6. I haven't made stickers in months! This threads been pretty busy since then.. plus I don't have a camera any more and it's that rainy time of year... Does anyone have any tips for making stickers VIA computer? I've always used pens up till now and wanted to try something else...
  7. wahahahahaha I think you should go tell him to change his name AER hennyways, everyone who thinks this thread is too full of wack chat and bullshit blah put up your hands! I'm up for sticking all the stuff from this thread into a new picture only thread, if you want to chat shit then this can be the place for it. Cov looks wacker then it is when people don't have pics to look at just pissy posts full of beef and bitching. I'm not saying I'm not a contributer to the text only posts but it'd still be worth while having a picture only thread. DISCUSS ! !
  8. eeeeee


    anyone other than wase?
  9. eeeeee


    WHO IS up for getting all of the best pics from this thread and all the best pics from the Cov thread and making one big thread with everything but chatty bullshit posts? Doesn't have to be one big Cov/Leam thread like, there could be one for each but what ever. I'm willing to make them if people think that's a good idea.
  10. eeeeee


    wahhh ANDREAs a bad gwarl!! bugs shut the fuck up ! you aren't part of the scene, why are you on the boards? FUCK YOOOOOOO FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFF YOUR GHAYYYYYYYYY and so yeah, we're being cunts, you don't go grass anyone in you faggot fuck face FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO if we're being cunts you should just go paint CUNT on our pieces or something, you lazy antisocial slower than horses shit head suck cock mummy boy bastard!¬_¬ I fuck kids like you for breakfast
  11. I check my PMs on a regular basis ;U
  12. bugs, get UR dick out of everyones arses and go crawl back under a rock. if I see you in the street I'm gonna have a massive go at you! :hatred: :angry: :lol: but really I think I might. ps: fuck havin a go at you I'm gonna listen to uglydog and shag you hard, like it or not. TAKE THAT IN THE FACE AND FUCK IT! .. Infact... I've decided I'm just gonna bitch about you constantly untill everyone either hates you, me, or both of us.
  13. eeeeee


    lol wtF? cheers but saying something like that is just egging him on to do it plus those paintings weren't too hot, I don't really fancy seeing them on here...
  14. uglydogs a police woman, trust nothing she says
  15. I believe it's enuf, different spelling inof. No beef but that post didn't really need to be bumped..
  16. eeeeee


    werd , that oap is doap!
  17. nice one ahop able is an emo? omgz! !o! gasp
  18. FEELLIN the new vel shizzle WELL HIT THAT TRAINSTATION SPOT cunt
  19. eeeeee


    once uponce a wall...
  20. EL EM AY OH I'm bored of no picture posts
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