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Everything posted by dirtwerkersmortician

  1. yeah that eroc is about to cease to exist.
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco the best thing on this page is the rime tagg, now i remember why i don't look at the san fransisco thread much...
  3. oh, and sage francis, with a name like that how could you not be gay.?
  4. jimbo shitg gettin clean. who is this guy?
  5. the irm quotes are priceless, ^^that game is sick, and egon2 is still the man.
  6. i remember that gold jive 95...shit was motivation.
  7. is that the housatonic? ive seen really ill jive/emit pieces out in the middle of nowhereville along that river, like where biker gangs hang...
  8. erb is back..once upon a time i pushed dat.....
  9. i heard FAME CITY is shut down now, most likley cause of those fuckers hitting the storage place, any truth to that?
  10. hey, they'res lotsa sluts in Boston, fartknocker.
  11. remember the days of rocking a wall and figured that the place was for your eyes only (or a select few) because of it's isolation? we'll it's not any longer, thank the u.s. president and your local law enforcement. your ideals+thoughts and opinions are a possible violation of national security under the u.s. patriot act (are subjects to scrutiny to abolish a home-land breach of serenity, aka; your a fucking troublemaker) yes, it's true they are reading and deciphering the writing on the wall. The excuse is suburban gang activity (lol). though it is not the truth, the aim is to indentify you and your religious/ social beliefs/ dissident behavior and your feelings toward establishhment(s) as well. It is a joint effort of local/national law enforcement/tactical narcotics/vice squad /fbi safe streets task force/federal marshalls/nsa. to decipher and scrutinize your self expression and deam it gang realated or' persons of intrest" or detremental to nationalism (excuse= patriotism) (globalism). also structures within an empire can interupt immediate activity ex; gang activity, by undermining group ideals(you dissident).Enforcment of these rules (laws) has lead to new tactics, never before used domestically,such experiment groups are being used readily aka;(they instruct unknown individuals to delve into a scene eg;(graffiti) and mold them into a perfect surveillance commodity to be used for documentation of others behavior. Is what you paint on a wall really of importance to the federal government, just because your using green, are you sending out a terrorist code or undermining the goverments financial/global interest, is it a code to set off a bomb?!?!?Of course not, It's that your interuppting the fashion of the new world order, a new facism un-imanginable where individualism and self expression don't fit the format(the state knows what's best for you) call this last segment mac'cartyhism which it's not. the following writers (toys) are being known to be implemeted by police; ( i will probably lose my job for this) NAK, NOYZ, IMAGE, JUSTICE, SERIUS.
  12. i like that abis. its dope when heads paint small.burye+irm always wild with the colors.
  13. whatup with the swastika mailbox taggs and the pedophilia?
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco p.s. but in san fransisco you'd probably have some lispy sounding gay guy who comes across as quite annoyed sayin "ughhh, don't dare call it frisco" (no offense)
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco the nameof this thread reminds me of that fruit spread commercial. that pollaner-all-fruit spread shit, where the loud mouth southern guy asks the snobby bitch at the dinner table to pass him the jelly and she's utterly flabergasted of him using the term "jelly" and she passes out and the english accent sounding narrator of the commercial goes "don't dare call it jelly"
  16. sheeeeeeeeeeit..i gotta go flick it bfore the toys diss it
  17. that green apple revenge is fuckin illlllllllll good shit11!!
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