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templeton peck

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Everything posted by templeton peck

  1. election years anywhere, especially in SF ,are the worst..from now till november, watch out, graf is always the low hanging fruit to create the illusion for yuppie voters that the city is a safer place..it shouldn't be a surprise that they're buffing pieces that people probably pay plane fare from other parts of the country or world to see, theres votes to be got kiddies..what a fucking joke...
  2. i find this comment sort of funny given who one of the said "toys" is on this wall...
  3. keep this dry snitchin ass shit OFF the threads...and stop the name droppin, pigs are all over this site...
  4. Shitty news....this guy absolutely SMASHED shit from the Easy Bay to the Sco..what a fucking bummer...RIP
  5. Anyone got the ZEPHYR overpass shots from a few years back? The ones that rode on 78? Post that shit and fuck that dumb bitch up there and her stupid ass show those douchebags aren't even from Jersey...
  6. jesus christ you're a fucking douchebag-i wasn't talking about triple...i have the pictures of the shrine i just made in honor of him to prove it...i was talking about the cat on here who clearly is a fucking pig.... christ triple--you got these fools on thr stroll for you or some shit?
  7. http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2009/10/operation_safe_muni_nabs_first.php SF is fucked....this is the same type of shit that went down in NYC after that place got taken over by gentrifestation....keep your eyes open kids....
  8. ^^^^true..we all self promote to some extent, but drawing a fucking road map on some blog or webpage about what you're writing and when you're writing is idiotic..no matter how ill or how up you are, stupidity is stupidity
  9. hahaha...too many familiar faces..that's scary...this is fucked, but it's hilarious...I wonder if the one homey knows he was the star of candid-snitch..
  10. Bump WAITER always..his shit is seriously slept on..
  11. Insteadymotion...if you're on here, get at me...
  12. yea...i've been told by people who have been fucked by those things first hands in certain parts of the state that they're real and they work... it's all about Gavin in 2010 bitches...get your hair gel ready and be prepared this bullshit scapegoating of graffiti ain't stopping until that dude is done whoring himself for governor..
  13. old news...but, co-signed...don't give a shit about him or his associates, but if they're smart, they'll tell him to get a dictionary and find a new name...
  14. ^^^^ officer...give it a rest.....i smell pork
  15. bro...save face...edit that fucking shit...please
  16. if anyone has got TUME flicks, please post em...
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