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Posts posted by thinksucks

  1. damn what happened to the flix...


    shut the fuck up half this page is you going


    lololol lololol i want to suck hoa's nuts. lololol


    at least steal some pictures and post them. you have never posted a single flick. until you do, stop complaining about how theres no pictures.

  2. are you smoking dust?!?

    shits been going up (as evident in prior posts)

    blah blah blah red line

    if you have a issue with the red line being bare hit it up (so i can write over you)


    haha who is this? felos, elite, aven? nothings going up jackass. maybe you dont live in dc. everybody painting in dc that is any good, i know them at least on here. your definitely not one of them. just fall in line with all the other anonymous bitches.

  3. this is all bullshit. nobody is painting dc. red line has been buffed for two weeks. only two spots have been hit since. if nobody can even paint red line, how are the streets gonna get painted. ha. this thread should be closed till people actually start painting dc again. as in more than one or two people.

  4. and by the way anything in this thread that you have to say


    heres my pic:


    it says:blah blah


    if we cant read it, it sucks.


    to bouncing soul:

    all i can see is an SE. the rest of it, fix your letters. you wont make it very far in graffiti if no one can read your shit. isnt that the point? yall go look at the kuma thread in brickslayers. dont bite it, just look and see how all of his shit is dope, but you can read every single thing.

  5. let me say something about the straight letter thing. when people told me that i was like what the fuck are you talking about jackass. now i get it, cus thats how it works.


    do straight letters to practice keeping the width of the letters all the same. go practice UNDER A BRIDGE with paint, its not like drawing with a pencil. just dont go over anybody that looks like they are good. once you can do basic letterforms good, keeping the width and size of your letters the same, and you understand what exactly makes up a letter, you can THEN reinvent letterforms to suit your style. it will help tremendously when you try to paint your first peice or try to come up with a throwie.

  6. dude i asked one question and im a cop now? wtf. seriously its cool if u dont believe me that im not a cop, i swear on my life im not a cop im a 16 yr old kid, living in VA, and i write. i dont care if u believe me or not thats the truth and theres a asylum in springfield and they dont sell paint and yes ive been there i live really close to it... so thats why i asked if asylum sold paint because the springfield one didnt and i didnt know if any others did. jesus... just one question and im supposedly a cop now.wow...


    16 year old kids who ask stupid questions usually type like dis dawg. yo fo realz.


    which makes you suspicious

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