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  1. That last train is solid all across the board
  2. ^ In reference to undercover situations. There are times when police officers must identify themselves as such.
  3. Cops don't have to tell you that they're cops. Or police officers. Or pigs. Even if you ask. Don't believe everything you see on tv
  4. Those Sub aerosol art wood panels are SICK. Graffiti or not, you can't pretend they're not awesome.
  5. Wow, someone has been right-clicking and saving all my flicks.
  6. http://www.boston.com/video/viral_page/?/services/player/bcpid524210116001&bctid=558113567001
  7. Dooope. Love that C-H connection on the Rich
  8. Found this digging in the crates
  9. I just want to add that when more established writers "shit on" younger up and coming writers, it's no reason to get all butthurt. It's a necessary part of the culture. It drives the youngins to know their place, and gets rid of the ones that don't have the heart to get past some hurt feelings. Most writers I know had the same thing happen to them when they started out, with older writers handing out beatdowns or "not giving respect" to the younger dudes. Fuck that, new kids don't deserve respect until they deserve it. The internet has leveled the playing field too much, in that newcomers instantly have a forum (no pun intended) to share their thoughts/pics/complaints with actual established writers. It used to be that you had to EARN the right to even converse with a real writer. IT took me maybe 2-3 years of doing ugly ass deadletters around my city before I even met a single other writer. And that was in a real city with dozens of active writers. And I wouldn't even dare paint the same spots as them until I was invited, which took quite a while as well. So basically, if someone has been doing this shit for longer than you, shut the fuck up and take what they have to say. If you have too big of an ego to believe what they say, then good for you. Everyone in this game has a big ego. Maybe you'll stick around for a while. But the odds aren't in your favor.
  10. When I tell the story, I say you guys DID take the canoe... creative license
  11. That Alke/Rich/Nysto train wasn't close to finished. Crazy day. Not really Maine, but someone requested it:
  12. It's amazing what changing the name of a thread will do. Lot's of good stuff happening here lately..keep it moving
  13. I don't feel like taking the time to locate and post pics, but just some ideas of who's handstyles I like are : Totem Ges Viel (UPS) Swerve Jaero Mes (T) Turdle Spoke/Wizart Lerk Juce That's just a quick list off the top of the head, and mostly local influences. And Born Dead, I definitely agree with your post. I guess the stuff I was reading on here just seemed to have a tone of "Old heads did it right and you guys are doing it wrong" rather than a sense of truly trying to coach the next generation. But it's the internet and a lot of tone/inflection is lost in the written word, so I might have been reading things wrong. I appreciate heads that can debate with valid points without taking things too personally. Although I apologize for taking up so much space with no pics. Sorry for that, like I said, image hosting sites are blocked by the company.
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