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Posts posted by dusetwo

  1. heres some handstyles choice, i usually use the top one its a one liner so i can catch hands quick with it. the other one thats right side up is my older handstyle that i dont use much anymore



    sorry about the tilt scanned it off center

  2. posting these coz im shit at painting and looking for crits on extensions off basic letters ive been fucking with lately. crits comments please.







    that s on the bomb is fresh

  3. why do fills matter.... seriously i could give a shit about colors id rather look at good letters that are hollow than shity letters with like 4 different colors

    no saying my hollows are good im just saying

    and the thing you posted for me before had no fill....


    this different...?

    and people stop making sketches for me i apreciate it but ill probably never gain anything from it ive never bitten before and never want to and the whole inspriing thing doesnt work to well for me....

    and for the last few things i posted were they good..?

    thats all i want answered

    nah they wernt, need to try a completly different style man, shits just repeditive

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