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Posts posted by TheGreatGatsby

  1. I am generally too poor/impatient/thirsty to age a beer. I've got some Bigfoot laying around that I didn't drink because I thought they were meh... how long should I let them sit before a second go around.


    Had this while in Costa Rica, all of the major brands there taste the same. This is the only craft brew I found. It tasted great, even considering it has no competition in the area. I also tried out some aged rums there, actually took a liking to them and brought a 20 year old bottle on centanario for 30$.


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  2. I tried Founder's Scotch Ale and I didn't like it. It's the first and probably only scotch ale I'll ever have. Tastes like morning breath after pounding beers and drinking whiskey all night. I'm sure some of you dig the style, but that shit does not appeal to me.



    I wrote off Ommegang's dubbel and quad years ago when I still liked sweet wheat beers with no backbone, retried it recently and really dug it. They have Witte and BPA on tap at the watering hole I frequent after work, they're both alright, nothing too special. They've got a "Game of Thrones" blonde ale coming out that I'm trying to find.




    Speaking of sweet wheat beers, my buddy gave me one of these to try. No bueno.

  3. Why are people shitting on the dude for getting Sam Light?


    You have to start somewhere. Not everyone went from stealing their dad's Bud's in middle school to Pliny The Elder


    Also, Hop Rod Rye is the shit. All my favorite parts of IPA flavor without the bitterness or boozieness on the tail end.

  4. I read "All Souls" a few years ago and it totally burnt me on books about Whitey/Southie/whatever. The image that's portrayed is nothing that you actually see. Anyone who is proud of being third generation Old Colony is a fucking dirt bag and all of the yuppies that pay absurd amounts of money to live among the dirt bags are even worse.


    Just to make my useless ranting somewhat on topic, has anyone read "Infinite Jest?" Worth the time investment or not?

  5. bear-republic-hop-rod-rye.jpg?w=468&h=732


    Picked this up the other day and haven't had time to give it a shot. I've never had a rye beer, but I've really enjoyed every thing else I've had from Bear Republic so I'm assuming it's a good starting point.

  6. I hope next time you try to jerk off you can't shake the image of Tomas Kinkade's neck wrapped around your dick while you imagine fucking the back of his face you great faggot.




    I'm not quite sure where you were going with that, but you clearly have very strong feelings about paintings of sunsets, horse drawn carriages, smiling clowns, and snow laden cottages.

    • Like 2
  7. no care. have never been remotely moved or inspired by his pieces.

    yes, he was better and more successful than i will ever be, but i was a hater yesterday when he was alive and i'm not going to feign giving a shit now that he's dead.




    I can't believe this guy is getting any love here of all places. Grown fucking men gushing over this clown.

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  8. I work with a guy that only picks up girls from ok cupid and plenty of fish. He's 32 and constantly on them during downtime at work. I've heard his awkward "Nice to meet you I'm 32 and a frumpy loser" first time phone call from the room down the hall like 5 times. It's fucking painful. Like hearing two eighth graders at a summer camp dance.

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