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Everything posted by NAZT

  1. this goes out to all you writers who come in here and rip on us toys.. fuck off and suck a transvetite hairy ass dick!... its called a toy thread for a reason. i mean damn dont yall got shit betta to do! we toys and we know and we dont need yall hoes comin in here and rippin on us when we know we arent good... we are tryin to get betta and to all the toys in here they aint jokin around when they say stay simple cause i thought my shit was tight when i was goin all crazy krushin on some walls... i got a chrome X over a lot of shit for that... but when you go simple they dont do that they leave ya shit alone. so work on ya sketches b4 you fuck up and get knockd.. seriously cause my shit got buffed over it and it said go kill yourself.. fo real... listen to these writers.. well the ones that give you constructive critiscm.. peace
  2. haha that dude is at the top is bitin like crazy! lol.. anyway what is the new battle word? for the next battle
  3. my vote goes to flipstlv
  4. im in for the battle... what time thursday?
  5. well at least you are gettin up..... you aint a toy toy.. you get props from me... may not mean much comin from a toy.. but im proud to be one
  6. jet..not really feelin the first one... the right part of the J really doesnt go with the rest.. the E is koo.. the T i would tilt the arms of it a lil bit less.. the second one the concept is slick but you should try to break up your letters a more cause they are hard to figure out except the E.. and when you add the exclamation point it makes it look lil a lower case handstlye h.. concept is slick keep workin on it... the third one is pretty koo lovin da concept just work on ya 3d shadin cause it looks like bootleg paino keys.. i say drop the shadin on that one. stick with the 3rd ones style cause you got that pretty straight.. rock that style until you get up in ya otha concepts... just my opinion
  7. yall told me to go simple so... not so simple but still simple yea pretty simple straight stlye tell me what i should do to make it better.. hit me up wit the comments
  8. yea take keep that stuff simple.... for right now try not to do the 3d thing yea it looks kooo but its takin away from ya letters... try to bunch the letters together a lil bit more.... just my opinion
  9. so i yea man adel i know what you are talkin about... my school has already threatened to kick me out i was like wtf its not like i am usin krink n non buffable shit.... quit the toy tags in there and got back to the streets wit some stickers, markers, mops..... i know what you are talkin about cause that is some bull shit when they put up " this kid sucks dick or i love that teacher with the big tits" they never get in trouble and their shit neva gets buffed.. then we put up handstlyes on doors and stalls then they buff it out then try to kick us out.... complete BS!:mad:
  10. how long you been writin?
  11. sesu im lovin those freights youve been hittin up
  12. i really cant tell if thats a T or a limp X....
  13. yea did that when i was drunk.... i was just wonderin about the letter structure.. oh yeah and thats why its A TOY PAGE DUMBASS!
  14. yea the N A sucks some ballz i say z and the T i did work on the T the longest though... that could be why.. thanks joke
  15. bored.. i messed up the colors in it... tell me is the letter structure aiight? nazt- by nazt
  16. dang jokey you tryin to get up in ya sketches!... work on the thickness on some of ya letters in the jokaz cause the z is whats noticable the most!
  17. tell me what you think of this hanstyle for my signature tag NAZT-419
  18. Is this good letter structure and form? i used to write jokesta (JKS)
  19. i feel you on that one.. there isnt to many spots that i can hit up at the moment actually none.. only do a few bombs no pieces at all..i think the yards here are on lock right now
  20. hell yeah i need to go out and crush somethin or do some bombin.... but until then i gotta get back to my black bookin
  21. just did this one last week for my girl
  22. this is my 1st character.... kinda blurry though
  23. is this what are you talkin about letter structure?... i used to write jokesta (JKS).. now im NAZT NAZT-419
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