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Posts posted by Dollink

  1. so my birthdays sunday and im going to be 20

    im starting to feel old counting the days down.....lame sauce


    what, did you fall down and break a hip or something?


    if not - then shut the hell up

  2. aren't most cops maladjusted little weirdos that only go into police work so that they can unfairly exert and abuse authority to make ordinary citizens as depressed and angry as they themselves are?


    can one of the requirements for employment be that you were hugged as a child?

  3. omg if i put various pieces of all these stories together its exactly like when my car got stolen


    police did nothing .. i figured it out on my own when the dumbass thief called me pretending to be the police and trying to get info from me


    it was my neighbor across the street


    mine too was impounded and when i told the cops who did it, they didnt even care

    and this was a very nice, new car too

  4. I think love makes you see fat asses as chubby. when in fact, they are.. obese. I think. You know wha ti mean?


    I like Fat pussy's though. skinny ones,,, eh, nothing to grab onto.


    ummmm, do you mean the pubic area?

  5. i'm talking about chubby


    but i guess chubby is relative


    my boyfriend wants me to be a size 4, im a size 8- he gives me so much pressure im about to dump him


    and damn, ive seen girls get picked up at the club that are skinny as shit but disgusting hair and zits all over while really gorgeous, but bigger girls stand alone


    go figure

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