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Everything posted by Vose?

  1. mr. wiggles :shakehead:
  2. some new shit, new dub i was trying, i think it flows more than the other one, and some other stuff
  3. erm... browsing the web, drawing.. i didn't get what you meant
  4. yeah, i know - thing is, i got up a bit with that name (still a nobody) so i'm reluctant... anyway yeah, i did an exchange thing and the throw i did in other letters looked better than my own so i'm gonna have me a few ideas for a good name. i want to use this name to get my can control up in some alley though.
  5. yeah i am, but what can i do? i look around and i see all the combinations taken, i can't be choosy and i don't want a name with no vowels or one that sounds stupid.
  6. outline's pretty solid, good work - fill i'm not keen on. i prefer if it's nice and simple rather than lots of fancy shit in it - i don't really like the bits comin off the end though i see the drips on the f and s - maybe if you made it all a tiny bit drippy next you do that it's be more obvious and it'd flow more. anyway, crit mine please
  7. new stuff - not that great, just mostly rough biro stuff etc. last one's a throw I was trying, different to my usual normal bubble letter one..
  8. hm, pretty nice high, looks like you put alot of work into it. your 3d's off though, sorry to say. nice letter structure though, looks solid. for a battle at over at bs.
  9. gah, one reply didn't show up so i double posted the same thing basically except i typed it all again... D:
  10. i hope you're joking... you can't hear sarcasm on the internet. soha - needs alot of work - start again from drawing keyboard letters with simple 3d, and then once you've got them looking good you can slowly develop your letters into a styl that's really yours. keep trying
  11. hehe, you from london too? seems half the people in the world are from london :P what parts you from? After School, are you joking? hope so.. please.. tbh SOHA you need to work on simple letters and slowly develop them, keep the arrows out, work on simple keyboard letters, that way you can slowly improve and develop a style that is really yours
  12. Vose?


    :O those robocop throws are hot, nice saro too just wanted to get some crits for my toy lookin' throw any help?
  13. exactly what i'm gonna do :D i'm expecting 10 cans of cheap (but good, you can't get cheap bad paint here.. just cheap good paint and expensive bad paint) and i'm gonna practice can control and shit in an alley.. this is what i want to write: trying out new throw, new name etc. i wanted to write steak :rolleyes: , but in my area theres a SEAK and theres a SOAK so hmm.. soer. ADER - i actualy really like that throw, kinda different - me from london too - if you're talking about london/england iDro - nice colouring, looks good
  14. sick stuff sesu some new stuff, haven't posted in a while... new pages from bbook - both of them i'm gonna fill up.
  15. i'm using prisma's to colour and india ink pigment pens to ink so that it doesn't smudge. works well.
  16. 'lo all. not posted in a while. anyway, i finally got me a blackbook. having something to put your shit in makes you work harder it seems... ^those two had little unfinished bits. i've done em now.
  17. anyway -i was trying out some pieces, since i've never really done any apart from really simple ones. anyway, i hope the letter structure etc still shows through. CRITS PLEASE first one. i was tired. not as proud of this one but, meh.. second, i quite like this one since i did it in the morning and third
  18. :p i know, but you can't expect every page to be good in a doodle book - anyway, i just saw some one liners that were sick so..
  19. quadra, i like that last one the best, the pencil sketches, make em simpler, leave out the characters, focus on getting your simple letters lookin good on the last on, the 3d looks decent - get rid of the holes in the i and the n, and make the n and the e so they go more with the other letters, if you know what they mean - 2 letters are fat, two are thin. it'll look better after that. ---------------------------- some shit i was messin around with, not as good but i was just having fun doing one liners :P shoulda done this one cleaner and sumat for a battle over at BS.
  20. zeph, i don't like your fills (bit crazy for me) but that's just my taste, i can see you've got skill and it looks good.. post some more ;) edit: that wink smily looks kinda suggestive. i'm not coming on to you or anything.
  21. i'm gonna agree there freak, the second one looks by far the best. the red biro freak looks sick, you're just missing some shadow on the left side of the r and k.. some new stuff, got some new paint markers in the post (art ones) so i was trying them out on a piece of cardboard: chrome burners? :rolleyes: and on the other side.. i think i do it better when i do it bigger. tell me what you think.
  22. ty for the comments, yeah the last one blows, tbh i'm not really interested in pieces for the moment.. is that a problem? i just wanna get up everywhere. i saw a woman dropped £40 at the anti-nazi gig in central london today, i think i'm gonna buy some paint.
  23. yeah - thing is, they're easy to do.. i've been trying s's for ages but nothing seems to work well :(
  24. anyway.. (can't find edit button) ...got me a book that i can do just rough sketches in - i'm including all the pages, not just putting in just polished shit so you can see how i'm thinkin... love highlighters i'd like crits on the second throw and the other stuff too.. thanks
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