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Posts posted by quadra666

  1. I dont think i'm original but I dont know how the fuck you know about any of my sketches you dont no shit. I'd love to show you but I dont have a camera... BTW If he does write Pace in the end thats fine but I dont know why I Should be changing my name when he's the one posting his pics for 'critz'.. Oh I posted a pic of my inventory a few weeks back and it had some wack pics in my blackbook, if thats what you saw don't judge me by that. That pic was took about 3-4 years ago, i did say that.


    whatever i dont even remember your crappy sketches

    and i honestly dont care i was just trying to annoy you


    and i think it might have worked heh heh

    :scrambled: :confused: :bawling: :chicken: :krunk: :gaga: :heated: :jestor: :mexican: :stretch:

    :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

    :spent3: :spent3: :spent3: :spent3: :spent3:

  2. heres a new style im working with




    I thought I said dont bite my name.



    yo "Pace1"

    this guy can write "pace" way better than you why dont u pick a different name hahaha

    someone has probably written pace back in the day anyways so dont think u are so original



    for real though, nice simple letter style here, i dig this, but the 3D is a lil off

    other toys should work on simples more

  3. I dont think i'm original but I dont know how the fuck you know about any of my sketches you dont no shit. I'd love to show you but I dont have a camera... BTW If he does write Pace in the end thats fine but I dont know why I Should be changing my name when he's the one posting his pics for 'critz'.. Oh I posted a pic of my inventory a few weeks back and it had some wack pics in my blackbook, if thats what you saw don't judge me by that. That pic was took about 3-4 years ago, i did say that.


    i honestly dont even remember your flics so whatever dude

    why dont u go beat his ass and earn the name

  4. feedback with color schemes... porfavor


    for color schemes u can try lookin at a color wheel for ideas


    i usually pick my outline color first, and try to make it a dark shade

    so like, if i outline it with a green marker (like a green thin sharpie)

    then i usually do the fill with different, lighter shades of green,

    then i color the 3D the same as the outline, and then i try to pick a color for the aura that will

    contrast well against the greens, like something bright and vibrant

  5. its like that one dude said, its just annoying to say the same thing over and over

    when u are trying to help people you think they might read back a few pages and be like

    oh look my drawing looks just as shitty as this guys drawing, what kind of advice did he get

    etc etc etc no animosity intended anyways okay bye :mad:


    Thanks for your...constructive comments.


    I know I suck, at least I admit that.


    To be honest, I've never really seen a straight graff letter, only wild crazy shit. I'll work on doing stuff from my keyboard.


    Out of curiosity, why so much animosity towards toys? Everyone was toy once...isn't it good that there's new guys interested in graff?


    Peace, I'm going to go sketch more.

  6. God am I toy or what?




    I'd love crits or whatnot. I know I'm whoring images in this thread, but I sketch a lot.



    you suck really really bad


    you need to do simple straight letters


    go back a few pages and read the advice that has been given

  7. eh i was logined but it keep seending to the fourthway site or what ever it is....:scrambled:



    yea id like to see that ya got for me soon


    yea sorry it is taking me a while, i have been procrastinating because i suck at X's


    dont worry though, i will do it.

  8. ^^

    yeah I shouldn't have stuck myself with this name, the L and O are killin' me, I can work with L, T and S but sinkin the O and U into 'em is bad. nah I ithink i feel what ur sayin about the O.

    Will do man, thanx 4 the help. It's kinda hard to find around here. ha




    trust me on this:


    if you work on simples (however boring u may think it to be, it is not)

    if u do simples over and over, u will get a HUGE feel for all of your letters,

    and over time u will come up with ideas on what to do with the letters u arent feelin



    i havent been doin this shit for that long, but i think longer than u...


    and i still go back to simples every single day literally...

    and i do like at least 5 sketches a day...


    this is what you all should do if u think u want to get better


    SKETCH !!! OVER AND OVER !!! and do simples OVER and OVER...

  9. well, the real point of that wuz to draft out and see if it looked aight for sam to share a shadow with my L. And b4 I rule out some straight letters I wanna know what anyone thinks about the O bein behindf the L even though none of the other letters overlap, it seems odd when u think about it, but it looks stranger when I drag the O out by itself.


    its okay for a letter to be slightly behind the letter before it as long as the structure is good and the letter is not hidden so much that u cant see the letter for what it is.


    i have an O in my name and i try to make it so the inner circle of the O can still be seen but the rest is semi-hidden...


    not sure if i said that too clearly...


    the other 3 u posted suck though, like big time bro... keep tryin, work on some simples

  10. first time blending prismas





    doesnt look very blended... maybe it scanned weird, that happens to me sometimes...

    i havent used that prisma blender

    but my friend used it and said he had trouble making it work


    anyone got any experience with that?

  11. yo anx


    your stuff is not bad at all but you need to work on the letter structures


    your letters get skinnier and fatter in weird places and it makes it look a little off


    do u know what i mean?


    u are decent though, keep up the good work

  12. S4022067.jpg


    letter structure... esp on the A, but on the whole thing... needs work on structure



    "who thinks i am toy, cause i agree" ???

    whats with all the self-hatred on this thread

    anyone who is like "yo i am a toy, check this out" is retarded

    just do your thing fuck this internet shit

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