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Everything posted by skurvy

  1. time to eat all these pills no one came too buy today!!!
  2. That rash is horrible. put him on your crew and he gets worse. lol
  3. http://bp2.blogger.com/_YidICUnJE1w/RdnWqSd2sKI/AAAAAAAAAAM/i4ei-KcoEzE/s1600/wigger.gif
  4. started the thread in the wrong forum yesterday... so here we go again. posting more flicks this time. if you got some. post them.
  5. shit, i posted this in the wrong forum i meant it to be in the brickslayers. my bad how do you close this one?
  6. well deserved. keep em coming!
  7. fuck the person who dissed Zod.
  8. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo.
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