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Posts posted by ReignInBlood

  1. dayyuumm this task piece brought me the fuck back GENT..do you,or does anyone,have any of the old US CREW fliks,i think it was LOOK,TASK,EILO,EICH maybe...once upon a time they did their fuckin thing..if anyones got US CREW flicks on stash postem up,itd be much appreciated...bump that brew n pawn also...-SKAMMER


    This isn't Task US crew.


    This however is



  2. What's sad is that it is a vicious cycle that perpetuates itself on ignorance.

    The so-called toughguys who are hellbent on "keeping it real" and staying "hood"

    While making zero scholastic or lifestyle progress.

    So on one end there is the group or minions who swear they are real, hardcore, and whatever ever the kids are saying now. Meanwhile they're wearing mohawks and tight pants.

    Then you have the younger generation that see's those individuals and idolizes their efforts.

    The blind leading the blind. With little to no progress at all, it's very unfortunate.

    Then the ones who actually excel or make efforts to rise above are heckled at like a circus side show in a pauperesque town.

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