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Posts posted by ReignInBlood

  1. And I'm tired of pussy motherfukers like u dat dnt do shit about it hop of blame dick he won't do shit about it even if he come here


    I do say sir, you're on my jock more so than any one else here, bask in it.

    Learn English before you type.

    That goes for the lot of you.

    And if YOU have an issue with me, state your name, which you wont.

    Then we can handle whatever we need to when I see you.

    Otherwise, you're doing a fantastic job at




    Rah Rah Rah Batches!

  2. That Newark Blame needs to have a 2 after it, period.

    I'm tired of trying to play it cool and be Mr. Maturity.

    I'm not falling back for some toy to run around acting like he's paid dues, with MY name.

    You guys are making Jersey look like the state that Toys can run amuck with little to no regard for the game or it's rules.

    Yes YOU, Y'ALL, the LOT of ya!


    Exceptions to this, already know who they are so I don't even need to clarify the last statement.

  3. bump again for tha haters....... mad cause u cant bomb hard like us....


    Yes, you are so right that in my 30's

    I am envious of the fact that not only am I not "bombing hard"

    But I am also not a resident of the greater Newark area

    My bad for taking a sebaticle from the "graf life" and getting career, life, and goals in check.

    Man I am surely missing out.


    Keep it real in the hood son son. :rolleyes:




  4. I never claimed to be king of anything, see that's what you all get twisted.

    I don't do this for "fame"

    I don't need the approval of a bunch of losers at life from this crew, that crew, this hood, that hood.

    I do what I do for me, with and for MY peoples and that's that.

    On the same token I'm not gonna let a new jack peasant or some random herb from bumblefcuk Nj talk to me in any which way they feel like it.

    If this is who I think it is, then you out of ALL people talkin' here should understand that.


    As for him bombin, if he's going to stay in his lane then he at least needs to throw a 2 after his joint, rules are rules money.

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