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Everything posted by siner

  1. shit missed 60 odd pages fucking hell weres vare at:O
  2. no m8 i no were ya from tho
  3. i use paint but i am a bit skint atm so its cromme ..... i have heard that monster paints ok but u should use montana its good all my manz use it now maby when i can aford it ill buy shit loads of it
  4. yo thats ok man keep it up how was u for drips etc
  5. I no i have missed some 3d because i went out and never finished it + the E is shit and again its a quick one feed back on all three would be good thankx peeps p
  6. Not got ne color while staying it at m8s so its mainly pencil or pen... btw these aate all quick scetches
  7. That photobucket is good new throw i tryed its the first scetch so its not too good
  8. never said i did that carvan just thourght it would be a good idear for d love 2 look at for the lettering ect .... sheesh
  9. most wright's rate me but they aint seen my work....
  10. But i could share some things but need something to host my pics ... but they are almost 2mb's so most of the hosting sights dont alow more that 1 mb....
  11. I have done loads of scetches but i am geting feedback elswere
  12. who said i did it n e ways.....
  13. hahaha thats a caravan from derbyshire....its got the word love so u no buy someone called tomes
  14. :D:D:D:D:D:D your new home :D:D:D:D:D:D
  15. i am likeing the new thow rend i think the tops off the letters are fresh....a little work needed tho.............
  16. Likeing the topones keep it up man safe
  17. hahahaha... whats wrong with that..
  18. nah dont stop u need 2 bild on ya painting nothing better that legals + u can take ya time.....
  19. nice m8 bout what u said post some shit up before will i will do a few scetches 2 night and post em up for ya and if crow thinks tmp sounds ok i dont think anyone els in derbys gonna mind
  20. wahts the dbs? whos in and can i join :P:):D
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