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valler haus

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Everything posted by valler haus

  1. and how the fuck are you gonna be that toy and go over raels and mink of all people?
  2. yo oddio did you flick all them reefers posted up out at that spot?
  3. entitled to your opinion...but i must say his shit doesnt look like everything else i see, nor is it done too shabby so he's got my props, besides theres too much criticism and not enough painting going on, in MY opinion.
  4. ...speaking of jukes, looky what i found...i like trains...
  5. word, that place is gettin new roads and a new building or some shit is going up there but they always have reefers...anyways...i was drunk, no harm no foul
  6. i dont know for sure if they blew it, im just sayin goin over the numbers and shit, looks good to me, to rail worker fucks who knows, good work, i see that shit a lot when i paint there and its always like fuck yeah they just did that shit! im too drunk to even try right now...
  7. holy shit reps and abide blew that spot up!, oh well i guess they are buildin some dumb shit there anyways....
  8. wow pete, good ol pete, youre gonna get it soo fucking good.
  9. heres a little pm i had with our friend peter298.......
  10. ...and i cant say it wont make me smile when it happens. good luck out there pete...youve got a whole city bout to come down on you and where you live.
  11. ive been pming this dick trying to be nice at first telling him to watch out, he just keeps asking questions and being a fucking idiot, ban this fucker before someone kills him in the streets. i mean the idiot posted where he paints over shit on his blog...dude is bound to get fucked up
  12. yeah dick head is it? how the fuck would you know thats what its like? Hey pete i dare you not to get your teeth knocked out by me and or anyone else who sees you painting over our shit. your ass is already gone homie, pack your bags and try again.
  13. hey peter298 i want to help you out a bit, especially to stop these writer dudes. first off let me see if i get this right...you go out and buff graffiti, and then come on here and try to get fame by stating that we'd better check it out and shit? you have no idea how this game works do you? 1. youre either a cop and are trying to bust people. 2. youre a fuckin idiot and think that we will stop because of your efforts. 3. you honestly believe that by posting on your shitty blog the actual spots and "patrol area" you work on, we wont come back by and do it to spite your dumb ass? come on...oh and good name choice, cause it took a fuckin detective to find out youre the retard doing the blog site. nark bitch.
  14. i couldn t flick the geso, shitty angle and no time
  15. only one photo, theres an "ether" on the far left side of it, then "geso" and "regal" went over "lookup" and then somethin i cant read that starts with a "ga..." but that shit is fuckin up there, like 10 stories or so...
  16. anyone get that water tower in the nw on the river yet? i will have em up later...
  17. i took that shit yesterday, if you really wanna know where to find it pm me, and who knows if they are still here, only the graff gods would know
  18. yeah well i guess ohioans have better things to do besides rape girls at shows, listen _thc_ you got a problem, get your ass there and do something about it, if not shut the fuck up. no one cares what you say on the internet, everyones a ganster online.
  19. ...that shit was up high...case you couldnt tell
  20. yo fr8slayer do what you do, post ohio freights, at least youre not self-promoting all over this thread...
  21. ...eno, if youre talkin about that regal/mink/oath one i dont know i havent lived here long enough to know
  22. ...oh and sorry for the crap quality but shooting into a window on a bright day doesnt do well for photos...poop your pants...
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